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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. Apparently some Walmarts have their corn marked down to $2.50/bag. I picked up 36 (of the 51) bags at the Frisco location off 121 today. This was the clearance price from last season and I guess some locations didn't get updated when their new stock just came in.
  2. Heard a report this morning that Amazon sold 300,000 Instant Pots during their sale.
  3. What the hell is my wife looking at? Can't a man lick his phone screen? Yes, recipe would be great.
  4. RD should have them or should be able to get them for you.
  5. Naw, still plenty of dishes/sides the wife makes in the kitchen while I make the main on the griddle.
  6. Not talking about weed, but the Crock Pot on steroids. I've been thinking of buying one for awhile now and pulled the trigger on one during Amazon's prime sale. So now I need some recipes or ideas of what you all cook in this thing.
  7. You should have said FU, I'm smoking a damn brisket as previously requested. You want to eat some, it will be there. If you don't, then go get that crock pot shit. Either way, you should have stayed the course and done it up anyways just to show them what a good brisket tastes like.
  8. I love me some pork belly burnt ends. Yes, you need to remove ALL of the skin as it is tough and won't rendered down or get crispy on the smoker. Here's a video on pork belly burnt ends.
  9. It's hot as hell but garden is still producing tomatoes and cucumbers in good quantities.
  10. Anyone have experience with Double H Outfitters for dove hunting around San Antonio?
  11. Let's see. 1. You have never smoked a brisket before. 2. You are using a smoker that you aren't familiar with. 3. You are trying to out due your FIL. What could possibly go wrong? Don't forget the French dressing. Seriously, YouTube search Aaron Franklin's brisket series and may the brisket gods be with you. In a pinch call 1-800-Champkind for $19.99 brisket tutorial.
  12. And as a true surly friend, I expect that you are going to bring updates to this post.
  13. Yes, that is the re-cut brisket. The fat wasn't rendered all the way.
  14. Went to Blacks BBQ in Lockhart around 4pm today. The brisket wasn't cooked all the way and the ribs were on the dry side. Not much smoke taste in the brisket. The Turkey and sausage were really good. I was actually looking forward to a beef rib, but the rack they had sitting out on the block looked like crap. When I ordered the 1 lb. of moist brisket the guy on the block cut it with the grain. I didn't see that until he slapped it on my tray. I asked him to recut another portion that was AGAINST the grain. I'm done going to any of the bbq places in Lockhart. None of them serve a decent brisket. Under seasoned, not smoked properly and a low grade of meat. I don't know if it is because they have been doing the same thing all these years and since they still get good business (thanks to dumbasses like Vaughn), they aren't going to change? I'll hit up a Rudy's next time before any Lockhart joint. Sorry for the extra rant but I'm tired of dropping $70 on a family bbq meal and it is shit.
  15. Both Tacos

    Dallas | BBQ

    Typically I'm the same on chicken and green beans at bbq places. However, the smoked chicken has bite through skin and awesome flavor. Hutchins is the only place I will order chicken. The green beans has a hint of how they cook it at Babes Chicken.
  16. Fish with squash. Salet didn't need the griddle.
  17. Costco in Rockwall has Wagyu Brisket for $4.59/lb. Those mothers are 18-20 lbs. but damn they look good.
  18. Had a bowl of the S'Mores this more. That shit is good. Like golden grahams with crack. Yes, I had it with whole milk.
  19. Was at the grocery store tonight and while going through the cereal aisle my boy spots S'Mores cereal. He asks if we can get it and I tell him if we are going to eat cereal than we are going balls to the wall with it. I picked up 2 boxes and tossed them into the cart like a manly man in front of the boy. Now, not a word of this is to get back to momma.
  20. Finished up the pickles, then went out to the garden to put on extensions to my homemade large tomato cages. This will allow them to grow 8'+ to keep the production going. While trimming up some overgrowth on the cucumbers I came across one that had been hiding. Glad I got to it before it got bigger and spoiled. Has anyone ever grown or seen purple bell peppers? I swear the tag on them said green bell peppers, but these are purple as all get out. They are pretty and kids think they are something special. Also found 2 more black swallowtail caterpillars on the fennel. Kids will bring them inside in a couple of days to make their cocoons and then release them after they become butterflies.
  21. Hot day outside, so a good day to make pickles.
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