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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. If there is a handful of you going, then get in the Express Line at Pecan Lodge. As long as you order 5 lbs. of meat or just order "The Trouth", your time in line will be less than 20 minutes.
  2. Still waiting for my balls to drop from the clenching.
  3. Not liking this change. One hit up the middle and he gets pulled. He's still fresh.
  4. I believe that one is going to get in their head.
  5. Come on Jake. Wait for something on the inside and rip it.
  6. Pitch count is getting up there. Looks like he can get to the 6th, then it's up to the bullpen.
  7. Agreed. He was trying too much with those last two batters. Losing control and getting the ball up. He just needs to settle down a bit.
  8. Kody needed to come off the bag towards first to get a throw to get that guy. He cam off towards RF and cost him a little time.
  9. There are just some phrases you just don't think you will ever see but yet here it is on surly.
  10. We cut our grocery bill in half by getting all the items we can there, rather than Kroger.
  11. Garden is really lacking for some reason this year. Getting a few tomatoes and a couple of cucumbers. Not a single squash or zucchini yet. Even the peppers aren't coming on. I had to replant everything after a frost night in April so could be a late start? Giving plenty of water and fertilizer. The corn got stressed and tasseled early so we'll see how it does. Melons are vining out okay. Just going to keep on keeping on and as long as everything stays green I'm hoping production will follow.
  12. Finally had some time to smoke up a brisket. Costco prime didn't disappoint. Of course, had to have some homemade peach cobbler from peaches we picked up the other day from a local orchard.
  13. First time I saw that was at Salt Lick as I was hanging out by the cutter checking things out while waiting for a table. The cutter picked up a new brisket and scraped all the fat/bark off. I looked at the guy and said a man's balls should be cut off for doing such a thing. He laughed and I said I wasn't kidding.
  14. If you go with deep watering, then once a day is good.
  15. Need to do the same with mine so the pollinators see the flowers. Looks like you have lots of cucumbers coming along.
  16. For those looking for Fruit or Citrus trees, Lowes has theirs 50% off right now. Normally $39.99. I picked up two peach trees last night.
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