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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. That was the first thing that caught my eye. Some people just try too hard.
  2. Wildlife ag exemption is different than an ag exemption where you are farming or raising livestock. Wildlife ag is where you have made improvements to habitat, structure and well being for specific wildlife. So if you have a wildlife ag exempt, then you don't need to run any livestock on it. However you have to have a wildlife management plan in place, which is a lot easier than running cows/bison.
  3. Grind your own brisket packer for hamburger patties. Throw in some bacon with the grind to get some badass bacon burger.
  4. This Ruth Stout method is to use straw to keep the weeds down, not water as much and just leave it there year around without tilling. It is one of the "no till" systems that you just keep adding more mulch (straw) as needed.
  5. Things are starting to take off now. Just wish it wasn't so damn hot. I think the corn is stressed as the tassels are starting to already develop. Hopefully that doesn't stunt the growth of the ears. Still trying to get in tune with this Ruth Stout method of gardening, but I can tell you that weeding has been cut down dramatically.
  6. Just make sure they haven't already been frozen.
  7. Same buddy - went on a trip to Beaver's Bend. He brought a friend of his boat. Really nice boat. First day just rode around the lake. 2nd day, he wants to pull a tube. His friend didn't pack a ski rope or inflatable tube. Off to the local Walmart and....yep, he buys a rope and very nice double rider tube. On the way out of town a couple days later, he returns them to Walmart.
  8. Yep, started with 75 which is a pallet and 10 bags thinking that was enough....nope, at 7:30 I was back up at Lowes to get 30 more. My boy did help for about an hour of getting them from the trailer to spots in the flowerbed and he said he was going inside for a bit. Never saw him again. That's what I get for having a long ass home and a wife that wants a huge flowerbed from one end of the house to the other.
  9. That's what I'm talking about. Grind it up with some bacon and you are ready for some awesome hamburger patties.
  10. A buddy of mine (Jewish) goes to Walmart each year for his daughter's birthday party to purchase a bounce house/inflatable water slide. After the party, he let's it dry, repacks it and returns them.
  11. 105 mother f'ing bags of mulch spread today. Yes, they were on sale. I don't want to see another bag of mulch for a long time, except that even with that many bags the trees didn't get mulched. So I still need 7 more bags to finish up. Damn it...
  12. Got my mount back from Headhunter Taxidermy out of Wills Point. Pretty quick turn around this year. My son's dear took about 8 months to get back a few years ago. I'm not complaining as he does a great job.
  13. Ate at Sessions BBQ today that reopened in their new spot, right outside of Rockwall at Hwy. 276 and FM 548. Better set up than where his trailer was before and the same great BBQ. I was in a rush so only had time for a brisket sandwich.
  14. Going to be headed through Georgetown on my way back from dropping my son off at camp so I'm thinking of stopping off at John Mueller's place. Anyone been there lately?
  15. Nothing wrong with adding others to your rub. I'll throw on some garlic and onion powder every once in awhile, along with the salt and pepper.
  16. You can use a soapy solution (dish soap mixed with water in a spray bottle) and spray all over them. It will suffocate them. That's the organic way to go. If you don't care about using a pesticide, get some Sevin dust and put around the base of the plant, stem and branches.
  17. That's why you make sure a tractor isn't too far away or there is a hand around you can call to bring the tractor to you.
  18. Saw some yellowing of leaves the other day on the squash plants which means they are stressed. Finally had some time this evening to see what may be wrong with them. DAMN SQUASH BUGS already. Plants are just getting going and they have already shown up. I hate those damn bugs. They have killed of too many of my squash plants in the past. Found some on the leaves and squashed their little heads, then treated all the squash/zucchini plants. Hopefully that takes care of them for a while. Only found one leaf with eggs on it, which I removed. Did I mention that I HATE THOSE F'ing BUGS?
  19. Or they will be tied #51
  20. He says it's pretty f'ing nice.
  21. Cattleack continues to knock it out of the park. Got there at 10:30 and was about the 10th person out the door. Probably a 30 minute line. When I left the line was past the sidewalk and out into the parking lot.
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