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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. Local broadcasts are a thing of the past, old man. Now we get access to all the games in an app for 100 bucks or we get nothing. This will be great for the casual fan and will surely attract new fans to a league that has too many teams and not enough eyeballs to watch them.
  2. I finally listened to the podcast as well, nice work. I had zero knowledge of the players we added other than Zardes, so it was good to hear a little about our possible lineup. I'm expecting us to take a step back on defense without Gabrielsen. We all knew we needed to add another piece to the backline, and that was before Gabrielsen moved on. I am excited to see what Vaisanen can do, but I will be shocked if he steps in and fills Ruben's spot without a dropoff. The bit about Gallagher moving to the right and allowing Kolmanic to play the left could be a spicy look. Cascante will be who he is, solid for long stretches and occasionally he will have a mental collapse and allow an easy goal. I think Wolff will be an important piece in the midfield, and Zardes will be a net positive, so I'm hopeful that the attack can get back to what it was mid season last year when the goals were coming at a high rate. I just worry we will be behind a lot due to defensive breakdowns, plus who tf knows if this squad will get it together with Rigoni possibly starting on the wing.
  3. Yeah, I have tried NA beers and there are some decent ones, but I don't really enjoy them all that much. What I find really hits the spot for a gameday or whatever are hoppy sparkling waters that some breweries are making. They are basically just dry hopped so you get the bubbles and the good floral hop aroma and flavor but not any of the beer and malt flavor or bitterness. Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher is my favorite. My wife never liked IPAs at all, but she likes the hop waters a lot.
  4. Team minty fresh over here. I will gladly skip this year's overpriced jersey.
  5. I like that the difference between 5k and 75k is access to exclusive gear. Maybe that's how you get an official Jimbo Fisher quarter-zip, bare-chested executive active wear shirt.
  6. I'm in. These movies are idiotic and fun and constantly trying to eclipse the prior movies with the impossibly spectacular set pieces. The characters keep getting more invincible each installment to the point where they are basically Avengers without costumes now. I didn't care for the first 3 of these movies, I think they started hitting their stride about movie 4 or 5 when they figured out nobody cares about continuity or keeping things believable, just getting these shallow characters in the most preposterously exciting predicaments with vehicles flipping and exploding all around with Tyrese and Ludacris saying wacky things.
  7. Yeah exactly, the modern ones sound a lot different from the classics, or so I've read. I'm not someone who ever gets to use multi-thousand dollar mic's to hear the difference.
  8. The Neumann's are really good but typically priced higher than other brands that have similar quality. They are out of my price range, I went with the Oktava MK 012 and got a pair with swappable capsules so I can have multiple patterns.
  9. That's it, the interface will power the mic with the 48v/phantom power switch engaged. I have a 25' headphone extender I got from monoprice so they will reach to the far end of the room. Have a measuring tape or stick or something so you can remember how far you like the mic and help with getting the angle right. Those mic's should come with a clip that screws on the end of the stand.
  10. 12' x 12' is tough for sure. My office is like 10' x 17' or something and is full of guitars, piano and gear. Dicking with microphones in here is the best part. I do have some sound absorber panels I can move around to cut down on reflections. Also I have space outside the office to work with that you wouldn't have if you are using the detached building. For $650 you can get a single used KM184 which is a standard in pro studios, and is very easy to work with since it is so much smaller and lighter than an LDC.
  11. If you like that sound, it might be worth a shot. It will at least sound more natural than recording an acoustic direct. I prefer a condenser a bit farther away, usually an LDC like G650 but SDC's sound great on a lot of recordings. If you are doing a lot of fast or delicate picking, SDC around the 12th fret is a good choice. It depends a lot on the guitar, the room and what you are playing. I usually have to listen to 2-3 mic's before I decide what I want to hear, and then move them around a bit. I have no idea about that attachable condenser, it might be good but it seems like it also might not be very versatile. Those recordings have a lot of reverb which is irritating. It was very challenging to mic an acoustic until I started to understand what to listen for when positioning the mic. I'm only OK at it now. I forget where you are Goredho, but having a gear rental shop nearby is a great resource. I've rented a ton of mic's from RnR in Austin, sometimes just to try them out and see how much better a $1000 mic would sound over a $2-300 one. Like any gear, mic's can become a bit of an obsession since they all sound different and add different things in a mix. C414 is a classic, I think the more recent revs (XLII, XLS etc) after 2000 are a bit hyped on the top end which sound overly bright to me. The prior models (EB, B-ULS, TL) can be found for around 900-1k used, so they aren't super entry level but they also don't really lose value. The guy who recorded my band's first album almost 20 years ago favored this mic on acoustic, and I am still trying to get a sound as good as he did back then. I am a fan of a company called 3u Audio, I have 2 mic's from them and will be purchasing another one this year. The factory is in China, but they ship/sell out of Australia. The components are much better than you might expect from that type of outfit, and the owner/engineer is very helpful, he even listened to some clips of my voice to give an opinion on which mic would sound better. Their Warbler MK1 mic sounds great with acoustic guitar and even sounds good in comparisons with a U87 I have heard. A site I found helpful is https://www.audiotestkitchen.com/ which has a shitload of mic's they have used on a few songs of different styles. It lets you load up some mic's and swap between them and solo out guitar/voice/whatever. I played with it for a couple of days and got a better feel for what kind of sound I liked. I think you should have at least one condenser mic in your room. You can mic your guitar cab with it and add some depth to your tracks as well. If you are happy with your sound, I won't tell you to change it, it's working. But I would recommend spending the money on a good LDC to have around rather than a mic that you can really only use for close mic'ing the acoustic.
  12. It might be time to start worrying now that a texags poster has put out the signal to fire up the back-channel tampering mechanisms.
  13. It's really a tragedy for Quinn that he will never be able to tell people he is an SEC QB.
  14. Just as expected, the conjured rumor of UT providing a job for Hill's dad's is being recited as scientific fact.
  15. Goddamn, I really enjoyed this show.
  16. It also felt like a really long, amazing live action Rick and Morty (RIP) episode, so yeah completely derivative.
  17. I only watched one episode, but it is entertaining enough to see what happens. The first 30+ minutes was just contestants walking into the room and meeting each other, so that could have been cut down. The Squid Game aspect of it is gimmicky but I don't blame them after how popular that show was. If the editing of the challenges remains the same with the double cuts, I will probably not make it through episode 2. That shit is so fucking lame and annoying. I've never heard people talk about each others' physique so much, that was pretty weird.
  18. Ok fuck these ads, suddenly started in the last couple of hours.
  19. Holy shit, huge turnover, let's please get a TD.
  20. This is the kind of thing that just amazes and amuses me to no end when I come across it. It is like watching someone weave a flowing tapestry of flawed logic, and then without noticing it, they start knitting themselves right into it, and eventually close the loop and just go to sleep. Like returning to the womb.
  21. They didn't lose the marathon, they just ran out of miles. And they lost control of their bodily functions and bathed in their own diarrhea before they reached the finish line.
  22. Can someone point me to the site with all the objective preseason team ranking measurements? I have only seen the subjective ones in the past, thx.
  23. My wife and I have been saying how obvious it was that Fessy doesn't even know Moriah and just got her to be on the show to give him a better chance to win. He's trash and incapable of being honest with anyone. He isn't even being honest in the confessionals which should tell producers that he is not worth having on the show at all. Maybe if he wins one he will go away but I doubt it.
  24. With a kid wearing a wreath of confectionary chains that would give Mr. T simultaneous cases of FOMO and diabetes, and finding out that Alabama is full of eateries by the name of Bojangles, this page fucking slays, holy shit.
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