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Gut Wagon

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Posts posted by Gut Wagon

  1. 14 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    So all of you that have been making comments about who was getting killed by Stanton's home runs. Thanks for angering the baseball gods. 

    If you think it’s actually working, let’s try this: How many are dying in the stands after being hit by Houston homers? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    We actually are a player away from being elite. That player is Kawhi Leonard.

    With regard to trade scenarios... if you think Boston is leery of injuries because of Kyrie and Hayward, Philly has it worse with Embiid and Fultz. Shit, even Simmons missed his entire rookie season. 

    I fear we're farther away that just Kawhi. But my definition of "elite" is stricter than most: I mean one of the 2-3 teams most capable of winning a title. Despite how SA was faring against GS before Kawhi's ankle sprain, I felt even then we were a player or two away from really being the big dogs. If we make the playoffs next spring, Manu, Tony, Pau, Danny and Patty will be nearly two years longer in the tooth than they were back then. And none of those guys is as good a player now, more than offsetting any improvement we've seen in Murray and LMA. Meanwhile, other good teams have maintained or even added talent. So I'm operating under the assumption we'd now be a little behind even were Kawhi back at full power. We need to upgrade ASAP at several positions.


  3. 1 hour ago, Hate said:

    I really know nothing about any of the players mentioned in possible trade scenarios above, but I'll side with the consensus that Boston has a better offer to make?  I'm not sure they would do it as they seem to have their own injury bug issues to deal with.  Would they really want to ship out 2 young players with a bunch of potential for a certified great player with an injury history on top of a "his people" issue?  If you can't work with the Spurs front office, I could see that being a bit of a red flag for any other teams. And would Boston want him if they didn't have him signed to a long term deal?  I can't imagine that if he wants out of SA that Boston is anywhere near the top of his wish list.  I don't have any idea what to expect.  This has been the most unSpurs like season since they draftet Alfredrick Hughes in 1985.  This sucks.  

    If the recent rumor that Kawhi wants to be a Laker has any truth to it, that suggests a very different potential trade scenario than what might occur with the Sixers or Celtics. LAL has some talent, of course, but I'm thinking they'd have to turn loose of a ton of it to get someone from SA. Not like we'd be shipping him off to the nether regions of the Eastern Conference. I need Kuzma, Ingram and maybe Zubac to make that work for me. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Yeah, taking pitches until the first called strike sucks. I don't know where that's coming from, but it needs to stop. It was obvious last night.

    It works fine if the first pitch is never a fat strike. But often it is. Especially when the opposition knows you're not swinging. Funny how that works. 

  5. Tatum's great. No doubt about that part. I'd welcome him to SA. But as we're currently more than a player away from being elite (in my view) and aren't likely to get any great draft picks of our own in the reasonably near future, it does indeed depend on what else Boston might include in a trade. Of course, there's no guarantee they'd include Tatum.

    My pipe dream is a Philly deal involving Simmons. But I guess every other fan/GM/coach would say as much.

  6. 3 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    I get all the criticisms and love that we have expectations and legitimate conversations about how to be even better, but my god, reading comments from our fan base you’d think the team is 11-20 instead of 20-11... the exact same record as last year after 31 games.

    We absolutely feast (and artificially inflate our offensive stats) on bad pitching. We struggle mightily against the kinds of pitchers we'll face when it matters. Now, you can say that's true of a lot of other teams as well, and you'd probably be right. But we seem to take it to extremes. Averaging 5 runs a game sounds good until you realize we've been interspersing scoring 8 or 10 with scoring 1 or 0. Common sense says that if most of our guys are hitting to their ability level, we should be able to smooth out the bumps quite a bit.

  7. Health, more than anything else, is the reason I'd take that Philly trade in the blink of an eye. But a second factor is that I don't think we're going anywhere as a team until we restock with more athletes in general. (Not Shaka Smart athletes, but athletes with basketball skills.) We need several upgrades to the lineup, and we need them ASAP.  Do that and we might be elite again by the time the GS era starts to fade, which I expect (well, hope for) in another 2-3 seasons. 

  8. I'm as eager as anyone to bash Giles for last night's pathetic display (and already have). But the bigger issue would seem to be why we aren't scoring runs. While the obvious answer is, "We're terrible at situational hitting, on many nights hitting in general," it should be fixable with the talent on our roster. Several regulars seem to be in a funk. I don't have high hopes that Marwin or Gattis will contribute regularly, or that McCann will hit .300, but we need a boost. Counting the days until Ted arrives, though I don't think we should count on him to rescue an offense full of all-stars.   

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Teddy Tucker said:

    Speaking of hot takes, guy has one baaaaaaaaaaad outing after 10 salty ones and gets crucified. 

    If I’m going on overall stats, you make a valid point. It’s not that Giles is awful, it’s that he seems to have lingering demons when it matters most. I tend to view players mainly in terms of what they do when the lights are brightest. And they were pretty bright tonight.

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