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Gut Wagon

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Posts posted by Gut Wagon

  1. 11 hours ago, Horn of Gabriel said:


    Let’s consider the fact that it wasn’t Patty and Green that changed, but the system we asked them to work in. In the Beautiful game they got passes whipped to them for open looks and defenders caught in rotations. In the KL/LMA era we iso one side of the floor, we don’t cut so there is space in the block and then when LMA gets doubled he kicks it out to a covered shooter on a contested 3. I have actually been impressed with Green’s dribble drive progress this year.


    Green has made some progress with his interior and midrange offense. But he just hasn’t been in any decent rhythm on treys. Even when wide open he often misses badly. We can’t afford that, given our offensive deficiencies. 

    Mills is so sporadic, and I think too big a defensive liability as the team is now constructed. 

  2. This really appears to be the end I thought we were living through the better part of a decade ago. But as it turned out then, TD still had an unexpected surge left in him, some role players bought in...and some dude from San Diego started to grow before our eyes. So I'm still choosing to call the glass half full.  

  3. The sudden rumor that Kawhi wants to play for the Lakers could explain things. Bigger endorsement potential, maybe his childhood dream team (not sure about that) and I assume more of the lifestyle craved by a 26-year-old multi-millionaire who grew up in the area.

    Doesn’t explain to me why he was so skittish about playing this year, but maybe he “knew” there would be LAL interest regardless. That’s a little suspicious.

    Sure hate to think this could happen. Kawhi has become my favorite Spur. But if he were eager to be a Laker, I’d drop him like a hot rock.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Getting the dregs of our pen some work.

    When you posted this, I came close to asking who here thinks we'll end up with team shutout today. I was going to call it a coin flip. But I deleted the post; didn't want to seem too negative when we were up by six for a change.

  5. 34 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i'm positive it's unnecessary, but i honestly don't know all the factors that go into the equation (although i'm sure i can guess some of them).

    i've been watching baseball most of my life, and i already know that you have a better chance of getting a hit when you hit the ball hard.  i also know that if you hit it where fielders aren't standing, that counts too.  i don't need "wow and the hit probability was only 26%" after every bloop the other way.

    i get that hitters are adjusting their approach to account for launch angle, etc - but hit probability seems more like trivia than science.

    Yep. A scorched out with 99% probability of having been a hit is still an out. A bleeder hit with a 1% chance of getting through is still a hit. That said, the more often you hit it hard, I'm pretty sure the better your odds of hitting for power and average. 

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