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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by irishtexan

  1. Spent a shit-fuck of money on Olivia Rodrigo tickets for my 9 year old daughter. She's pretty fucking stoked so this is basically gonna be her entire birthday present. My wife took her to Taylor Swift earlier this year and I'll take her to this show. That'll be fun, and OR writes catchy fucking songs. 

    Last week I saw Bonnie Prince Billy at the Parish and the wife and I went to Jawbreaker at Emo's on Saturday. Both were great shows. 

  2. I read this in McSweeney's yesterday and felt very seen:




    Your opinions on the discography of the last fifty years interests me about as much as you think it does a middle-aged woman traveling coach to Boston with a L.L. Bean boat tote filled with crackers. I read mild. I read invisible. I read that probably all I listen to is “Ripple” by the Grateful Dead.

    It’s easy to assume that I don’t know who Fugazi is. It’s okay, insult me—you can barely grow beards. Here’s the thing, though: I know who Fugazi is. And you will never grow beards because of the xenoestrogens in your plastic water bottles. Don’t be fooled by my comfortable and supportive footwear, my tie-dye rainbow Crocs; I know a lot about music.

    So it was insufferable for me to endure you two loudly opining in the Northeast Regional quiet car on the Velvet Underground’s 1970s New York scene. On DC punk in the 1980s. On trip-hop and Aphex Twin and post-punk and De La Soul and hip-hop and the country revival and New Orleans bounce and Ye and on which bands sucked Nirvana’s teat derivatively. Oh, you went on and on. I felt like I was trapped in one of those podcasts where know-it-all bros one-up each other. But I kept my mouth shut.

    However, when you struggled to name the Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist, I thought, It’s Flea, you total asshats.

    Then, as we were pulling out of Newark, one of you shrieked, “High key, dog, why are the Pixies on this Pitchfork ‘Best Albums of All Time’ list? They’re ass. Dog, they’re 100 percent derivative of Nirvana.” All my Gen-X senses started to tingle. 

    You belittle the Pixies? You diss Black Francis? On the way to Massachusetts? On my gal, the bassist Kim Deal, you didn’t have a crush at Smith College in 1992? Were you not even born?

    I leaned over my Amtrak headrest and hissed, “Boyx, that’s cap. You’ve been talking out of your asses since Union Station.”

    I continued, “In ‘Five Classic Albums That Wouldn’t Exist Without Pixies’ Surfer Rosa,’ Jochan Embley wrote, ‘Grunge owes so much to Nirvana, but Nirvana owe a great deal to Pixies.’ Kurt Cobain publicly said he was trying to rip off a Pixies song when he wrote ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit.’ Nirvana was trying to sound like Pixies, you morons—Death to the Pixies.”

    I went on: “Disc one of Death to the Pixies is the random-button scrambling of the Pixies’ studio discs; disc two is a convincing live show that repeats a few of the songs and still doesn’t make you feel that you’ve heard too much. There are, of course, plenty of arguments to be made for the band’s original sequencing, but since the Pixies are as adept at pop hooks as they are at punk screech, the set works to freshen songs you know well — an effective reintroduction to a group that perhaps sounds even greater now than it did when making an LP a year in the late ’80s and early ’90s. Gigantic indeed.”

    You looked at me. My hair askew. My eyes blazing behind my +1.25 rainbow readers that, yep, match my Crocs. My seltzer sloshing in my hand. I hoped you were thinking, Holy shit, dog. We’re meeting a real-life strega for the Pixies. Stregas for the Pixies are the rarest, most righteous, ass-kicking, music-knowing mothefuckering fairies from planet ’90s. Josh, I wonder how she’s going to bless us? I don’t know, Jeraboam, but I am sure she will… somehow.

    Instead, you said, “Jesus Christ, lady. All right already.” You turned away from me. I heard you mutter, “Damn, dog, that’s one furious grandma.” You put on large puffy headphones and were silent all the way to Providence. There, you disembarked.

    I’m sorry. If you had been nice — if you had been like, “Wow, strega, you know things! We judged you incorrectly as boringly into ‘Ripple’ like every other oldster, but we were wrong, you’re an arrogant, loud, obnoxious music knower—you’re one of us,” I would have shared my water crackers with you and intricately detailed the post-Pixies solo careers of Frank Black and twin sisters Kim and Kelley Deal.

    After you left, a nice lady about my age boarded and asked if your seats were taken. I said, “Only if you have a favorite Pixies song and can defend your reasoning at a volume appropriate to the Amtrak quiet car.” She pulled her readers off the top of her head where they were nestled in the gray bun of her hair and let them hang around her neck on their rainbow-beaded lanyard. She sized me up and said, “‘Gigantic.’”

    See, sirs, it’s not so hard to get along with me.

    If you do land a podcast—and I sincerely hope you do, because I’m not sure you are good for anything else and I actually, grudgingly, liked your take on Iron Maiden—please consider me. I bring something unexpected to your podcast: the entire audience of Gen-X women in menopause.

    Here’s to Blood on the Tracks, boys, the best Dylan album, and don’t argue with me.

    — Liz

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  3. IDLES is filling some big venues. Just thought of them. Austin's own Black Pumas are too. I guess Imagine Dragons counts as a rock band even if they suck donkey dick. 

    I'm not serious about any of this shit, btw. 

  4. 1 hour ago, G650 said:

    Jason Isbell does just off top of my head.

    Jason Isbell is a progressive country musician that sometimes plays rock and roll songs. But he's not a rock and roll artist

    58 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    Billy Strings.  Didn't Big Thief sell out Red Rocks this year?

    Americana. Not rock.

    1 hour ago, alincoln said:

    Goose and Caamp

    Who? Neither of those bands are selling out amphitheaters. And their own wiki says Goose is a jam band and Caamp is a folk band. Not rock.

    54 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    The War on Drugs, Vampire Weekend

    Good call. But barely making the cut, as War on Drugs started in 2005 and VW in 2006.

    45 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    And then you have the likes of The Lumineers, Mt. Joy and Nathaniel Rateliff.  Not my favorite but they all do theater/amphitheater tours.

    None of those bands are rock bands. They're americana/folk. Maybe Nathaniel Rateliff? I don't know. He's not for me.

    29 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    You have Misfits as Punk and Fugazi as not Punk?  I love both but you can put them into a lot of things.  For me, DIY is punk as fuck, and they both go there.  Also early NYC music that may get construed as New Wave or No Wave. Fine with it any which way. Their influence is far and wide and they all did it their way, with or without a crowd.  Misfits played MSG a few years ago--and it's difficult to think of anything more not punk.  It's all convoluted.  Hell, I'd argue Morphine was punk but I don't think they'd care, nothing loud or jangly.  I think PUP is fun, but I have a monetary threshold and venue about seeing them.  There's a lot of great bands out there--just saw the oranges band in Baltimore and it was freaking great.  They're old now, never made it and their ethos is punk as fuck, although their crowd is not.  But that crowd looks like missing teeth dock workers with a beer in each hand and a fun time is had by all.  And I'm down with it like the Motards back in the day.  Velvet Underground is still my fav band and if they dropped down today, they'd still be ahead of their time.  The rest is what it is.  Replacements, don't care, still one of a kind and Bastards of Young will always be punk.  Now I'm going to sit back and listen to Ritchie Daggers Crime for the millionth time and wonder why anybody would ever anoint themselves gatekeepers of this.  

    If I was gatekeeping, I'd probably argue Punk died in late 70s early 80s.  Kind of like Abstract Expressionist--you can do it now because everybody understands the language, but it's not the original stuff.   Wouldn't even 4th or 5th generation.  

    Yep. And I said it doesn't make sense. If you want to call Fugazi a punk band that's fine. It's all subjective. And I'm just taking the piss out of everyone and fucking around. That's why genres are stupid. It's all music. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    There are plenty of rock bands in many genres comprised of people in their 20s and 30s who sell out theater/amphitheater tours across the country.  They aren't played on the iHeartMedia radio stations that dictate the Hot 100, but there is a vibrant rock music scene that is accessible with very little effort.

    Name one rock band formed within the last 20 years old selling out amphitheaters.

  6. Gatekeeping is the central pillar of the punk rock ethos. For most people who say they like punk rock it's "I can't define what's punk and what isn't punk, but I know it when I hear it/see it." Sometimes it doesn't even make sense. Minor Threat was punk. Fugazi is not punk. Black Flag is punk, but Rollins Band is not punk. Green Day used to be punk, but stopped being punk after Dookie. The Replacements were a punk band on their first record, had a few punk tracks on Hootenanny, and then stopped being punk on Let it Be, even if the way they lived their lives were punk as fuck. On that note, Husker Du is punk. Replacements, not punk. Sometimes hardcore can be classified as punk rock but sometimes it isn't. Black Flag, Misfits, Rise Against and OFF!? Punk. Hot Water Music, Fugazi, Converge? Not punk. 

    But anyway, yeah, punk rock is all about gatekeeping. 

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  7. If a district is receiving recapture, then any local bonds passed (to fund stadiums and other unnecessary bullshit) reduce the amount of recapture funding by the corresponding amount. Get $100m in recapture but pass a $50m bond? You only get $50m in recapture now. Take care of your own first. Fiscal responsibility and all that.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. 3 hours ago, immamac said:

    Well I co-founded Texas One Fund and we threw the most insane tailgate ever in Tuscaloosa that generated over 100k annualized in monthly donations. I think they want to do that instead of the lame stuff they were doing on bevo blvd which had pretty much no results. 

    It took them this long to figure out that plying people full of booze loosens the wallets? 

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:


    2B people on earth eat crickets as a major source of protein. They are healthy, delicious and sustainable. What's not to like?

    When I lived in Chicago the suburbs would be inundated with Cicadas every 12 years or so. My work buddy (Nebraska alum. Haha. Loser) said his little dog would go outside to piss/shit every morning and gorge on cicadas because they pretty much covered every surface, everywhere. He stopped feeding the dog for like 6 weeks. The dog's shits were nothing but legs and wings. 

    I don't think my buddy ate any cicadas, even though he's a bugeater. Weird.

    • Haha 1
  10. 51 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    It seems like entertaining again would be one of the easier things to do? I assume you've got neightbors, right? Backyard BBQ an option? Tailgating at another sports event that isn't UT? I realize you've outlined the X vs. Boomer dynamic of your marriage, and that it's not the same, but my parents moved into an over 55+ neighborhood a few years back. It's great for them, and my mom seems to host a dinner party once or twice a month where neighbors all bring some things, and they sit and socialize. Couldn't you work to do something like that every couple months, while not making it necessarily 55+?

    Fuck. I just realized I'm less than 10 years away from qualifying for this community. Would shotgunning beers and blasting Slayer shirtless in the front yard be frowned upon in this sexy swinging seniors scene? Because I still do that from time to time. 

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  11. Haven't seen a formal cause of death issued. Footage was grainy but I didn't see some wild haymaker. Too many people for the victim to bang his head on the concrete. He apparently got up after being hit and then collapsed after and died. Seems more likely he died from cardiac arrest than being punched. But what the fuck do I know. 

  12. 49 minutes ago, SarkAfterDark said:

    Makes no sense to me. I don't remember recruit rankings being a talking point at any point during the NFL draft. I doubt very seriously many people go back to see what these players were ranked after being drafted.

    I remember the draft talking heads mentioning that Zach Evans was a 5-star back coming out of high school when the Rams took him in the 6th round this year. They also talked about his "inconsistency" and insinuated he had a shit attitude. 

    Basically they only mention it when a 5-star guy gets drafted toward the end of the draft so they can insinuate there might be some additional value taking a guy that had high athletic upside coming out of high school. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. 2 hours ago, NoName said:

    you have to love how they pick and choose numbers when it is at all possible.

    Like this?


    However, A&M promptly stumbled to an 8-4 record in 2021 and then fell to 5-7 last year. Recently hired Texas head coach Steve Sarkisian had virtually the same record the past two years as Fisher himself.

    "Guys, we've basically had the same record the last two seasons. It's a wash. We're both headed in the same direction."

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