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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. pretty big breaking news from the President himself. those transcripts of testimony Schiff has been rolling out the last week? doctored. excerpt from one of the authentic ones Q. Isn't it true, Ambassador Taylor, that the President would not release the funds unless Ukraine promised the announcement of an investigation? A. I'd like to confer with my counsel, Ms. Diamond.
  2. I’ll pitch in more out of the curiosity factor. See if we can actually influence a race. I remember thinking how cheap politicians were. $7k got Ann Kitchens to take ridiculous positions. Be cool if we can do that in some direction. Get some state rep elected on the condition she introduces a fluff bill honoring A&M as “a highly regarded university” or some such.
  3. I think that all the time. I have a lot of Aggie family and wonder how it is just them and everyone who couldn’t get into college. Amazing.
  4. seriously though. it's disappointing to see people put out bullshit articles like the one you posted as though you are just informing. it's the source of everyone's cynicism these days. they watch their fellow citizens willingly participate in propaganda and misinformation campaigns. it's just sort of sad.
  5. one that jumped out at me was the reliance on the politico article that is the subject of the very testimony that is currently being released.
  6. i'd indict her for getting married twice and still deciding to hold onto the name smoots.
  7. i saw the A&M burn on twitter this morning. laughed. pulled up a few other clips from the show. couldn't make it through a single one. 'thank god i'm a country boy' and mccaunaghey were both brutal.
  8. for context. 2016 Margins in each: #4 - Texas - -3.1% (becoming a purple state). Trump by 9% #5 - Arizona - -3.0% (becoming a purple state). Trump by 3.5% #6 - Florida - -3.0% (purple-ish state). Trump by 1.2% Even wave-less, it wouldn't be out of the question me if that would be the difference in FL. non-whites would have to go 2.1D-0.9R to make up that 1.2%
  9. That is pretty surprising re: Florida. Big Puerto Rico influx?
  10. yeah, i thought two senators were fairly involved in these discussions based on some of the stuff that came out a while back. johnson was definitely one. can't remember the other.
  11. Jesus. Stuff like that might indicate why Wilco is turning blue. Having this and Morton right in your face.
  12. they've got that covered too. Did you not see my chief of staff confess on live tv?
  13. No. That's how it is. What I'm pointing out is that your solution to gerrymandering ("Don't look at party affiliation, race, wealth, anything") may made aesthetically pleasing maps, but is illegal. It ignores minority opportunity districts.
  14. people make this suggestion every few months on here. that would take repeal of section 2 of the voting rights act because of minority opportunity districts. imagine a scenario where there was racially polarized voting. only through de facto segregation would you ever have a minority representative under your proposal. not exactly a worthy goal. and one the VRA is specifically acknowledges exists.
  15. my guess is a little nerd's seed had been planted in sheared sheep.
  16. https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/delaware-county-council-philadelphia-suburbs-democrats-20191106.html probably more important for the 2020 implications than the Kentucky celebration is the Pennsylvania celebration.
  17. Good news! Based on rural opioid death rates, it’s happening!
  18. That show I read it too, with the good news caveat of saying trump did try to make the gov race a trump referendum, and that still was not enough. The implication being even trump mind control only goes so far with.
  19. I’m surprised they put this proposition on the ballot right now. It reminds me of a bathroom bill or something. Totally meaningless but designed to drive up a particular turn out. But there’s nothing else to turn out for here.
  20. I’ll pitch voting yes on prop 5. We need more money in our state parks. If you’ve tried to book a camping spot lately you know what I mean.
  21. This little Fred Thompson diversion will get out of control.
  22. I was just joshin’. My official opinion here is there’s no way the Supreme Court allows him to withhold returns.
  23. lemme tell you a little about bush v gore
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