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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. Oscar Isaacs is such a discount store Han Solo. Threepio is going to do something heroic? Rose and Fin don't look so much like choads now that they are a little older, which seems good. But they were basement dweller quality characters to begin with, so there wasn't much but up they could go. What are we fighting here, a Ghost Emperor? Ghosts don't scare me. Know what scares me? Guys that punch you and their hand *doesn't* go through you.. The other two movies only had two characters that were enjoyable, Kylo and Rey. I got the sense they are fucking up Kylo here. Which leaves us only with Rey. So the force is female!
  2. i guess 'soft coup' had run out of punch. gotta rebrand.
  3. We are going to end up with some Empower Texas moron or something.
  4. if it makes you feel better, here is the graphical version of that comic.
  5. we happened upon a leopard right when he happened upon a rabbit. it was awesome.
  6. i think it was $500/person/day, including flight, back in '09, for the whole trip. the trip involved time in lamu, time in a beach camp, time in nairobi, time in lake victoria, so i can't really break down how much each part was. $1000 now for the park experience wouldn't shock me. while i don't remember the mossai mara price exactly, i do remember thinking it was about 20% more expensive than doing it a crammed-van way, because i remember thinking the difference in experience being WAY bigger than the difference in price.
  7. used this group to put the whole kenya vacation together. https://www.enchantingtravels.com/destinations/africa/ the part of the vacation that was in the mossai mara was leleshwa https://www.maasaimara.com/entries/leleshwa-camp loved every second of it. disagree with the folks that say everything is the same. the biggest difference in what i saw was everyone packed 8-per van in these things and travelling around with four or five of them together all surrounding one rhino or whatever, while my wife and i had our own driver and mossai spotter in a one of these, cruising places by ourselves and really feeling like we were alone in the savanna. enchanting africa just set up a phone call with us for an hour or so and we talked about different ideas and they made it happen, including getting from one part of the country to another in little prop planes, stuff like that that is impossible to set up if you aren't physically there.
  8. doesn't count. 5 outta 6 were american.
  9. lol at "some say it's the biggest." this isn't exactly subjective. some say 8 is bigger than 10. there are a lot of people reporting that.
  10. Mitt's making his position on this clear at least. He's not trying to convince anyone else, but he'll pull the trigger when the time comes. He doesn't get much hatred from me.
  11. This is a good and reasonable discussion of whether we as a country would be in a better position if the US President, for the 1st time in history, was taken out by a foreign power and this not at all crazy and it's totally on the up and up and we have definitely thought this through..
  12. jesus. you're taking this in stride. having a gun pointed at you is no joke. ('cept for jules). good for you.
  13. it's also not true. They don't criticize them because he'll sick sic his retard mob on them.
  14. I just can’t imagine how something can be more incriminating than what they released.
  15. it's also a tough calculus for the democrats, because when the jury does nullify, trump will get a boost from the win. how close to election do you want that to happen?
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