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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. This was the dude in the center of it all I feel like you typically spend more time getting your ducks in a row before you try to pose people this high up. This was the dude in the center of it all
  2. Ted Cruz sometimes not a piece of shit too. Just an infuriatingly Unamerican reaction by the NBA. As someone smarter than me said, this is the kneeling during the national anthem that should make you mad.
  3. Yeats: The best lack or conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.
  4. Graham will be interesting to watch on this. If his tone stays critical I think that will be a big signal to other GOP senators.
  5. Excellent read that puts the current facts in the context of their larger narrative. If you don’t spend all day on Fox News and Breitbart you (and I mean me) might not know just how important the Biden/Ukraine story has been to the right and trump specifically.
  6. It does feel very different. I think the launching point is so much worse here is a part of it. With Mueller we started with Trump asking “hey, could you lay off Flynn” and Ds went with that. It didn’t matter how bad it got after that, beginning so tepid soiled the whole thing. It also has a different group leading it. The 12 CRAZY CONFLICTED DEMOCRATS or whatever was a republican quiet man and his helpers. This is a bunch of motivated Ds with microphones.
  7. Everyone piles on after Donald Trump tweets a quote from an apparently made-up person named “Richard Ketay” Bill Palmer Who is Richard Ketay? That’s the question everyone is left asking tonight, after Donald Trump tweeted a lengthy quote that sounded exactly like something Donald Trump would say, and then attributed it to a person no one has ever heard of – and we’re not even sure if the person really exists. Here’s the Trump-like quote in question: “It isn’t often I get angry at the dirty politics of the Democrats in Congress, but this time I am enraged and hope this impeachment charade will backfire on Reps. Pelosi & Schiff, & the Democrats. I have read thoroughly the telephone conversation between Trump & the President of Ukraine, and cannot find any reason to charge the President with high crimes & misdemeanors. This is just a phony Witch Hunt, perpetuated by Democrats to get rid of Trump because they cannot beat him in a fair election.” It sounds like something Trump wrote himself and just attributed to a fake person, right? Actually, it may be precisely that. We’re really confused about who this person is supposed to be. We searched Google to try to find out who “Richard Ketay” is, but the first page of results consists entirely of random anonymous people. We also did a real time search on Twitter, but all of the results were merely people asking who Richard Ketay is. It’s not clear if “Richard Ketay” is such a grotesque misspelling of a political pundit’s name that no one can figure out what name Trump was trying to say, or if Trump is quoting some random person who has zero political profile (not even a Twitter account), or if Trump simply made up the quote and attributed it to a fake person. Richard Ketay, if you’re listening, please let us know who you are.
  8. https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/weekend-update-segment---richard-jewell/n12849
  9. It’s my opinion that the trial in the Senate will be a layup for the Republicans if you don’t have quid pro quo. They will say “requesting foreign interference” is one version of the facts, “trying to get to the bottom of some alleged corruption where the people with the most knowledge of it coincidentally are foreign” is another version of the facts. It’s not clear enough to me to be the bad version to take the extraordinary step of removing the president over it, right before lection could decide it anyway. If it is quid pro quo, you have a president clearly diverting military assets and interests for this investigation.
  10. Another one. This China angle made it easier for Rs to be critical.
  11. No. Not this. It does matter. Not all crimes are impeachable. Not all impeachable things are crimes. "High crimes and misdemeanors" does not mean "crime." You will have a much more vigorous debate -- remember, with 53 R senators -- about the impeachability of this specific crime as opposed to a QPQ. Crime is neither necessary nor sufficient. There is a legitimate body of law on this, and the more people that repeat "anything is impeachable that we say is" a la Ford or "crimes are impeachable" confuses the issue. I've mentioned it on here several times, but there is a great book you can get that is like 90 pages long and is easy to read from Charles Black. Also, review articles and what not if you want to read highly technical things. (here is one https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?&article=3404&context=penn_law_review )
  12. WaPo is great. "This is absolutely not a story, but it is funny and we need to spread it, so someone think of how we can pretend this is a story."
  13. Interesting side effect of this is that Trump accidentally gave Rs an easier target to disagree with him on when he expanded to China. Could be meaningful in the dam break analogy world.
  14. "now they no longer mention" except in, like, tens of thousands of stories on this. https://www.google.com/search?q="Quid+pro+quo"&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS859US859&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ACYBGNQjmkv75M0vMoVZCIxotcx7LgkTWw:1570201022760&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwik3b_R7oLlAhVooFkKHTJ_DhIQpwUIIA&biw=1090&bih=773&dpr=1
  15. jesus christ this moron. outrages and outrageous are two different words. it's like reading the football board.
  16. That is not going to matter at all. The house will vote, and it will be strictly upon party lines +/- 10 reps. Extremely gerrymandered and polarized climate that’s exactly what you should expect. But the Senate doesn’t have nearly the same motivations: longer-terms, more evenly spread constituency, and are generally smarter and more capable people.
  17. Yeah. In a battle for the mind of the simple public, simplicity wins. But like we said then, you just have to address it head on: we have 10 indicators it is quod pro quo and one dude texting saying it isn’t and telling people to stop putting this in writing.
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