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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UnivTex34

  1. So somewhat related to the thread, but I saw the potential rain forecast from this possible storm next week, and it looks like a bomb may be dropping upriver on the Guad. I ran over to the USGS waterdata site to check the flow on the upper Guad, and its at 7. 7cfs. Holy shit, we need some rain. I think we ran it year before last and it was 400, and it was a fucking blast, huge standing waves, and I've run it under 200 before, and we were walking a bit, but 7. Damn. Might as well not be a river.


    Probably not a good idea this weekend due to forecast, but may be looking at a float weekend after next.

  2. 13 minutes ago, PatrickMcHorn said:

    Thanks for the invite, but I'm working 70+ hour weeks these days. The only water I'm seeing is the water I'm drowning in.

    Are you the reason from the old board?

    Thats me.

  3. 20 minutes ago, deft said:

    How long do you guys stay out?

    Its a 5 mile trip. We stop at several swimming holes. So usually 3-4 hours I'd guess. Sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. You can always run ahead if you need to leave earlier.

  4. Well, that was an interesting float. Rained on twice, the second time we had to dodge some lightning. River was surprisingly packed.






  5. Meeting at Spencers at 10 tomorrow if anyone is interested. Small group right now, but all are welcome. Shoot me a PM if you want to join

  6. 57 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:


    Ship Rock, canyon de chelly, monument valley, horseshoe bend, secret canyon (antelope was booked), the narrows in Zion.

    I am sure a lot of my photos will looks like thousands of others from the area, but they will be mine.


    Yeah, I’m not jealous...


    nope, not at all...

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