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Everything posted by bonnieblue

  1. I love my peloton, but the wife's eyes kind of give her a "Get Out" vibe, which is a puzzling choice for an exercise bike commercial.
  2. When you means test something, the easier it is to demonize and eliminate. Also, plenty of "rich" parents don't pay their children's way through college or use the threat of withholding tuition as tool to get them to fall in line with the hopes, dreams etc. of the parents. We're supposed to be the gold-standard of the world and want a highly-educated populace. Public tuition should be free or extremely reduced for all students regardless of parental income.
  3. Sure i enjoy a jazz cigarette. Go to bed Joe, good job, Booker.
  4. Pete's voice annoys me in the same way Ted Cruz's voice annoys me.
  5. Kamala (vs. Liz) just now was Shiv at Tern Haven. I had to watch with a hand over my eyes.
  6. But Shiv did choose between Kendall and Tom. They showed that her and Logan had a private meeting where she had pitched Kendall as the best choice, and then again later chose Kendall (or "not Tom"). She kind of waffled initially with the "don't make me choose", but she still did make her choice. Agree that Logan likely didn't find it sufficiently cut throat though.
  7. Wu Tang at ACL Live last night was great. Lot's of energy
  8. Rumours it's related to WWC (at Hirschfeld mansion now) and Vista
  9. Now Anderson trying to defend the shitty moderator questions.
  10. who is the blondie in the CNN aftershow trying to convince everyone Biden did well?
  11. Bennett is the worst person on this stage, and this stage includes Biden.
  12. confirmed by twitter that it was O’Hara, but looks like just macking on a random girlfriend, not a teammate
  13. How about just retroactive "reparations" for the interest paid on the loans. If you took out loans in the early 2010s, the I/R was sitting around 6.7/7.8%.
  14. Rushmore Spawn The Wackness Boogie Nights
  15. Agreed. I feel ridiculous driving less than a mile over to Radio, but it's gotten a little intense.
  16. Vote to be held at Thursday's City Council meeting Thursday (10am).
  17. I've never seen anything like that before. This game is great.
  18. I believe so, and the ISA building is the one up for lease. It seems a little ridiculous that Joslin will continue to deal with the Sunrise church spillover and Dawson will have to deal with this being so close, but maybe they will both be eliminated in the school realignment saga.
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