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Posts posted by bonnieblue

  1. When you means test something, the easier it is to demonize and eliminate. Also, plenty of "rich" parents don't pay their children's way through college or use the threat of withholding tuition as tool to get them to fall in line with the hopes, dreams etc. of the parents.

    We're supposed to be the gold-standard of the world and want a highly-educated populace. Public tuition should be free or extremely reduced for all students regardless of parental income.

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  2. But Shiv did choose between Kendall and Tom. They showed that her and Logan had a private meeting where she had pitched Kendall as the best choice, and then again later chose Kendall (or "not Tom"). She kind of waffled initially with the "don't make me choose", but she still did make her choice. Agree that Logan likely didn't find it sufficiently cut throat though.

  3. 9 minutes ago, drt said:

    Ya since our first was born we've stopped walking to Radio because that area is now dangerous.  Besides the feces, needles, intoxicated people there, there has also been a few sexual assualts, 1 stabbing, and at least one case of indecent exposure towards the elementary school that I can think off offhand. 

    Our kiddo just turned 2, so it's been a pretty steep nosedive and we've been in the neighborhood around 5 years.  We were so pumped when Radio and El Chilito went in for the walkablity factor, but we just don't go to either unless driving.  Shit like this is why people leave for the burbs.

    Agreed. I feel ridiculous driving less than a mile over to Radio, but it's gotten a little intense.

  4. I believe so, and the ISA building is the one up for lease. It seems a little ridiculous that Joslin will continue to deal with the Sunrise church spillover and Dawson will have to deal with this being so close, but maybe they will both be eliminated in the school realignment saga.

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