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Posts posted by bonnieblue

  1. 1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Even though you're being sarcastic, I'll give the answer I give everyone.  As an upscale DINK, I still have an interested in that poor kid with the single mom growing up to be a productive citizen.  It's not even the fantasy that he'd cure cancer or something but rather he graduates high school and has the skills to work in skilled manufacturing or a trade.  If that kid has the tools to do it then that means millions of other kids do to and I need that wave of kids to support the economy in 20 years.  To be selfish, I need them to pay for my SS and Medicare but on a larger scale, I care for my country and want it to have an educated populace.  

    Hey now, some of us poor kids with single moms grow up to have jobs that are very important to society, like law....oh wait..., yeah, I think skilled manufacturers may be more useful.

  2. 1 hour ago, Goredho said:

    To complete the comparison of Shaniqua and Cletus:

    • Are living paycheck to paycheck
    • If in a marriage, both parents are working
    • Are having their children educated by a decaying and underfunded public system
    • Have little to no savings
    • Have little to no equity in their home
    • Cannot afford to educate their children past high-school without crippling debt
    • Would be wiped out by a job or health emergency
    • The family breaking out of this caste often requires some generation to literally or metaphorically hit the lottery (good enough to play pro sports, etc...)

    Compare that to Trump & Bloomberg:

    • Are free from financial want and worry
    • No one in the marriage is really working anymore
    • Children are educated by the finest private and preparatory schools
    • Have inexhaustible wealth
    • Own multiple properties outright and never have to worry about the roof over their heads
    • Children go on to well-regarded universities and emerge with no student loan indentured servitude
    • Have the resources to withstand any emergency
    • Wealth is passed from generation to generation, perpetuating the elite status of the family unless there is some gross mismanagement involved (even a Trump was able to avoid this)

    Shaniqua is not Cletus' enemy, and vice versa.  They are in the exact same leaky life-raft in the middle of the ocean trying to paddle to shore with a popsicle stick.  All while the Trump's and Bloomberg's are busy erecting barriers at the shoreline while yelling "Shaniqua!  Look at Cletus popsicle stick!  Its bigger than yours!" and "Cletus!  Shaniqua wants your popsicle stick and will kill you to take it!"

    I think the really interesting part is when Brett and Lauren start to realize their lives are closer to S and C than Trump/Bloomberg as well:

    • Are living paycheck to paycheck - it's a bigger paycheck and there may be some savings, but they also have bigger bills, the mortgage, student loans etc.
    • If in a marriage, both parents are working
    • Are having their children educated by a decaying and underfunded public system - or paying too much of that above paycheck to get them into a private school/ or higher mortgage for the better public
    • Have little to no savings - they have some, but again, bigger bills
    • Have little to no equity in their home - they might, if they were ever able to get a down payment together to buy that house
    • Cannot afford to educate their children past high-school without crippling debt
    • Would be wiped out by a job or health emergency - better able to handle the unexpected simple knee surgery, but one major care wreck could really tilt their world upside down
    • The family breaking out of this caste often requires some generation to literally or metaphorically hit the lottery - better odds than the former, but the ability to afford their children's college and their children's access to traditional gate keeping institutions (the Ivys, certain prep schools, unpaid internships, connections, even acting/music etc.) is getting smaller
    • Like 5
  3. 1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    So, cradle to grave?

    Difference is I’m paying into that old people system now.  In addition, you’re wanting me to bail people out of bad student loan situations.

    Daycare is just like housing and tuition costs. The costs have skyrocketed over the past few decades, while wages have not kept pace. There is only so much money in a paycheck to go around. The common response is "don't have kids you can't afford", which, yes, I agree.   I literally don't care about kids, at all, but I recognize that they are a necessary evil for things like sustaining population growth, keeping us competitive with research, technology, creating new tax payers to maintain infrastructure etc. Having kids has become an unaffordable proposition for most of the population, but if everyone bowed out, then our country would collapse (see Japan). This is why I liked Liz. Her plan was to put the onus on the extremely wealthy for daycare (and not just the upper middle class types who also struggle with this).  Our kids are the engines from which the wealthy derive their wealth. They should pay their fair share to educate and care for them.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    So, my taxes are paying off your student loans and taking care of your kids?  That’s awesome.

    Assuming the world isn't gone by then, those kids will then grow up, get jobs, pay taxes, and start subsidizing your old, dying self. It's a cycle.

    • Like 3
  5. 56 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    LMAO, where in the blue fuck did that number come from? First of all, do you not know how a progressive tax works? Second of all, all income over $29,000 is not going to be taxed at 52% dipshit, here's a freaking tool to help you. Your taxes aren't changed from their current amount until you hit $250,000.



    I put in my stats, but it just responded with a gif of a guillotine 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  6. I somehow have excellent day-after-concert radar and have run into/accidentally chatted up Annie Clark, Karen O, Carrie Brownstein, and Kim Gordon the day after they were in town to play various shows. They were all just as cool as expected.

    Also, we used to trick or treat at Dimebag Darrell's (RIP) house and he always had a great party going/music blasting, was super nice and gave out king-sized candy bars.

  7. 12 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    She needs a strong second place in Nevada. I'm gonna start making calls for her today. Who else is in?


    I let one of her TX campaign workers crash in my spare bedroom for a few days, which was a cool experience, but I'm ready to make calls as well. Do you know what the process is?

  8. This may not even be possible (I'm assuming with the various viability thresholds it would be), but what does the DNC do (other than likely shoot themselves in the dick) if one candidate goes out with the plurality of delegates but another has the popular vote?

  9. Leave immediately, it's terrible. But for some serious recs: 

    • Prince Lebanese Grill - legit great
    • Gyro House
    • Mariano's
    • Zavala's BBQ in Grand Prairie - pretty legit
    • Firehouse Gastro Park in Grand Prairie
    • Limon's or Fito's or Los Jarros or La Banqueta for tacos etc.
    • Cafemandu or Everest for Nepalese - Irving, but close to Arlington
    • Ba Le or Pho Hung - for pho
    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    I know and have seen so many that are horrible.  Klobucher is nothing particularly out of the ordinary.  A former Texas Senator was an absolute nightmare.  I have bad news for you:  If you're going to choose your president based on the way they treat staff, you probably need to disqualify 90% of the candidates.

    I've never heard rumors about Bernie, but the flip side is Bernie is a gadfly.  He's a complete non-entity as a policy factor.  I don't know anyone, ANYONE, whose every worked with his office on anything, and that includes some of the most left wing, progressive groups in town.  3/4 you can't even get a constituent meeting with his office.  They literally won't take meetings even with Vermont voters.  They just never reply to emails or phone calls.

    I've definitely heard this from a former Gary from VEEP figure.

  11. From what I've heard from friends who've made the rounds in DC, she's the among the worst  in the abuse (excluding any sexual harassment type stuff) department. Like notoriously above and beyond bad.  I give women a lot more leeway in the department, but apparently she's bad even by those standards.


    Even so, I think she could do admirable (if uninspired) cleanup duty post-trump.

  12. Bloomberg majorly sucks in a myriad of ways and it would be so terrible to have to vote for him. However, some people aren't financially comfortable, straight white dudes and would be really harmed by another round of this bullshit (acknowledging that some harms will still accrue under a Bloomberg admin). So... maybe vote like you aren't a financially comfortable, straight white dude?

  13. Also, some people aren't good fits for STEM or the trades, but may otherwise be smart or productive people. You can't just say, "well don't go to college", when even an assistant job often requires an undergrad degree these days.

    Yes, the wise choice would be to not take out too much debt for a "worthless" degree, but even if you are getting your tuition paid for by scholarships, you still have to tap the well to cover the ever-increasing cost of housing during those years.

    You can either scold people for their "poor" choices while the economy goes down in flames or you can accept that people are flawed (and often stupid) and try and do something to ameliorate it to make our country a little bit better for everyone. 

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Some engineers make fine actors and even better set designers and constructors.

    And I'm sure some theater majors make excellent [insert job of choice]. Outside of a few specific career paths with certain prerequisite knowledge needed at the undergraduate level, I think most companies would benefit from hiring employees from a diversity of educational backgrounds. Maybe the theater major brings some creativity to the strategy planning or the engineer brings some structure to the creative endeavor. 

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