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Everything posted by UTexasFight

  1. We just finding ways to fuck up the little things every single night and all too often it involves baserunning. If Pena stays on first in the 4th, we’d have had bases loaded with 1 out and who knows how that inning plays out Edit: stop merging me! Neris has been shitty. let’s get ours Edit: seriously. stop merging me! There is one
  2. He’s been using the same sound bites for a couple of months. This is at least the third time I’ve seen the “we’ve played the equivalent of over a half of an extra baseball season” quote in the past month
  3. 118.7 mph from Ohtani tonight jesus
  4. Now would be a wonderful time for our cleanup hitter to stop fucking around and, you know, hit a HR. Or an XBH. Or do something to add to a whopping 5 RBIs on the season
  5. It’s amazing to me how hard it is for an average to continue to fall once you get below the Abreu line (.100)… yet, here he is continuing his March to .050. 0 for his last 21, average *only* dropped from .089 to .065
  6. Holy shit. Carter is still playing in the Mexican Leagues?! 100% bring him back. in fact, we can pick him up this weekend!
  7. Let’s win 10-5 like that time in Arlington
  8. Cue “I’d take Chris Carter today” drool emojis
  9. Previously unreleased Cash coming in two months. https://relix.com/news/detail/listen-unheard-johnny-cash-album-songwriter-slated-for-release-with-preview-single-well-alright/?utm_source=Relix+Daily&utm_campaign=e2fea25acd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_04_22_06_56&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-e2fea25acd-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&mc_cid=e2fea25acd&mc_eid=8abc911510
  10. Thanks for the post. ordered one last night. Hoping that, unlike scraps, mine gets to me before leaving for Mexico City later this week.
  11. This is me…except no new construction on my street. (University Hills) 20% increase. Wtf. improvements increased 40% (no changes to land). There have been no improvements.
  12. And a new name and a new color scheme so damn boring/ bland.
  13. Gonna be hot as balls, but may have to check it out also White Oak in Houston the night before and The Factory in Dallas the night after
  14. I don’t think anyone is expecting him gone in the next few weeks. But if we’re close to a .333 clip come the all-star break? …. But for those glass half fullers, friendly reminder the team that just took 2 of 3 from us started 19-31 in 2019 and ended up ok
  15. Reading Dana’s comments yesterday, Abreu is about to get a whole lot of pine time the rest of this month.
  16. If Espada somehow gets the ax during the year, get ready for Dusty or Ausmus to finish out the season. gulp
  17. Forgot to add this link. I think it does a good job covering the gamut on him https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/the-long-ride-of-charley-crockett/
  18. That’s not a bad critique of Charley. I like him but I get why people don’t. And I second the opinion of needing to see him live. that’s what helped sell me on him. The first two (Under the Big Sky Festival a few years again in Montana and at ACL Live December the same year) were absolutely incredible. saw him at Innings Fest in Arizona a couple of months ago and didn’t have the same energy though.
  19. omg. Brown just said “back of the baseball card” again…in regards to not being worried about Pressly/Hader struggles
  20. Flipping through the record collection looking for something to listen to on a wet and chilly evening in Austin. Easy stop:
  21. This fucking team do we not scout opposing teams arms?
  22. It was 16-0 a couple of days ago. holding the line!!!
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