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Everything posted by UTexasFight

  1. Why would you even consider driving if you’re staying only 1 mile away?
  2. When is Mere’s due date? Cant fathom Scottie would bail if he’s on the leaderboard going in to the weekend hit apparently that’s what he’s going to do if she goes in to labor. Burns too. (SIAP)
  3. Henley really fucked over the starters ERA. But on the flip side just about every reliever got in at least a scoreless inning the last two nights (save Hader). So take the good with the bad, I guess.
  4. He didn’t really get hammered. he did sheet his drawers though. 18 balls out of 39 pitches including a pitch timer violation, 3 walks and a HBP. 73, 93, 108, 83 were the exit velos on the four singles he gave up. So other than Garcia’s they didn’t really square him up But yeah, sucks to go from a MLB locker room to catch a flight to… Albuquerque
  5. Sydney would be cool. but I’m holding out for a safari/game reserve in South Africa in 2030 and Antarctica in December 2039. ….or maybe the Karnak Temple in Egypt in 2027 which with get almost 6.5 minutes of totality…
  6. Throwing 63 pitches Friday probably didn’t help.
  7. same spot he was on Wednesday (half an inning earlier, technically).
  8. Abreu may actually get a hit tonight at this rate.. ……well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
  9. Holy shit. I actually remember listening to that game. Sparks had some witty comments about small town /suburban Texas (he’s from Rowlett), but the jokes escape me at the moment.
  10. Our minors are real, real bad. seriously
  11. That he got DFA’ed to make room for a guy that threw 39 pitches and faced 9 batters to get 1 out.
  12. This game might still be going when the A’s/Rangers are scheduled to start tomorrow
  13. At least Blair didn’t do that to Garcia
  14. Henley family Christmas in 2070: “Hey grandpa, dad told me you pitched in the major leagues once. Can we watch?” “Ummmm, let’s just enjoy being together.”
  15. Over pitching. Pulling the breaking stuff. not finishing on the fastball.
  16. Man this is painful… and what happens when a guy is called up before he’s ready /not a MLB’er
  17. It’s not full squads. But does feel like feel like full starting rotations. Getting worse than NFL quarterbacks
  18. So bizarre or last minute cover up?
  19. “Good to meet you, Blair. Dont get comfortable. You're only here because it’s your normal start day.”
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