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Posts posted by shnsajax

  1. At home watching, best friend called me and one of the greatest sports moments of my early teen live. It’s was like watching the titanic sink in real time, Tyson was bigger than any sports figure I had ever encountered at that time.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. We have as much of a shot at Balogun as Poland did with Slonina and Croatia did with Pulisic.
    More of a chance than Argentina or Portugal did with Gio, but less of a chance than we did with Dest & Musah.

    Unless Leeds makes a massive bid to Arsenal!
  3. 1 minute ago, ztejas said:

    Spazzy was the word I used earlier. Jumpy would be a more PC term. 

    It's okay - you aren't supposed to be worth a shit as a keeper at that age. You can tell he has the tools. Glad he's getting minutes. 

    18 years old and 42 starts already for Chicago. Give him a half decent team and a couple of years and those nerves will all be gone. 

  4. This would be massive. 

    Looks like the tweet was deleted. If Arsenal, United, and Tottenham are circling signing with Leeds would be disappointment. If Leeds gets relegated with three of our stars and manager it would be really shitty.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Why in the hell would Klopp ever consider USMNT? Seriously.

    Why would Zidane? Still you shoot your shot and like I said I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    Again a massive if, but if things with Liverpool don’t workout come the end of the season I could see him wanting to take a lighter load as a National Team coach for a couple of years. He’s mentioned coaching Germany at some point if timing works out, but again it’s a timing issues. Just ask Zidane.

    Coaching and building a young squad is still I believe his biggest strength, but again timing is everything.
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