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Everything posted by shnsajax

  1. Pac12 still gets auto playoff assuming they get to 8 by 2026. More value in that brand and expand to the Central Time Zone.
  2. Here to say, fuck the NRA and my 70 year old uncle spewing 2A fucking bullshit!
  3. They want full on grooming 24/7, from the home to the school to the church.
  4. Double Mountain as well has some real good pizza in Hood River too. Volcanic Bottle Shop is like a mile away more in town too. Haven't been to the Hood River Common House yet. Occidental's Fresh Hop Pils I think just came out and one I really like every year. Loyal Legion in Portland is always good too. But I still just enjoy going to the classics like Belmont Station and John's Marketplace.
  5. So can we start flipping Aregentinian dual nationals now?
  6. shnsajax

    USMNT 2024

    Tillman is in full control today.
  7. Best rumor so far. Only issue is a lack of trophy's!
  8. Cracks me up how badminton players blow on their fingers in between points.
  9. I’ll go with this cause I feel like it’s Henry once the Olympics are over. But yeah there is no real rush between now and Jan 1st.
  10. I mean, 12 teams is just so damn stupid. Put in 4 more just like the Men’s. I know women’s pool is is thin but still, 12 teams and 8 go on. Fuck all of that!
  11. Mariners get Arozarena for pretty cheap, but need to probably make another couple of trades like that and hope someone figures out how to hit again.
  12. shnsajax

    USMNT 2024

    Pepi hat trick today for PSV in friendly.
  13. With the exception of Idaho Politics, Boise is fucking great! 4 full seasons and only really 8 weeks of summer. Cross over of San Marcos and Austin as a city. 4 hours to Salt Lake City, 5 to Bend, 6 to Portland, and 7 to Seattle.
  14. Probably a Magat who lost his entire life savings to Trump.
  15. Nah, the right has been begging for any reason for more violence.
  16. Why do you even need to watch the debate? Do you magats even listen to the bullshit spewed out of Trump's mouth. Now outside of that just compare the waste of 4 years under Trump to the 3.5 years under Biden. Who gives a fuck, a President needs to surround themselves with the most capable staff who can help guide the entire nation. Now ask yourself why Trump has no support from anyone who worked for him those 4 wasted years? You are in a cult of stupid pieces of old shit!
  17. My BIL flying a Trump flag while telling my gay sister that he also has gay friends still pisses me off and its only been two weeks. The dumbest groomed fuckers we have in this country!
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