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Posts posted by Brew

  1. 3 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

     The cartoon is also baffling to me substantively. Is there a single piece of data anywhere that supports the thought that there is going to be a red wave?  Seems the only indications range from blue wave to hold serve. 

    Were there any data points at this point 2 years ago giving dipshit a chance of winning either? He has mastered the art of the “work” on a level that even Vince McMahon would be proud of.

  2. 4 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    JFC. She isnt radical. She's just young. She has the same platform as who she will replace. The "Bernie effect" in districts like hers isnt about radicalism. It's about not waiting for "your turn" even when your congressman shares your views. 

    Her platform is radical to an outsider looking in from a southern state but normal for that district. It also could be termed a radical shift going from the normal old white guy to young nonwhite female with a different work history than most.

  3. The article is poorly written and makes some pretty out there representations on the effects. The tax law made 3 fringe benefits nondeductible to for profit entities which are qualified transportation benefits, qualified parking facilities, and on premise athletic facilities. Then it went further and said that nonprofits should be treated equally on those fringe benefits and pay UBIT on them. It is definitely an issue though, especially on the parking side in cities where private parking lots are the primary parking available and a fringe benefit is provided.

  4. Just got DL trip partially booked for the second week in October. Looking at 3 days at DL, 1-2 days at Universal, and 2-3 days doing whatever else the kids want to do in LA. I’ve still got to figure out where it makes sense to stay or whether we stay at the Grand Californian a few nights and move North for the rest of the trip.

    Hopefully that will permanently complete my Disney parental requirements after 5 trips in a little over 24 months covering all US Disney parks and both Universals. I did find out this week I have two work meetings in Orlando scheduled for this fall. I think I’m going to tell my wife they are somewhere else.

  5. You can set up Mastercraft 205’s and Nautique 210’s to surf pretty easily. A few bags and people that can move around will create a surfable wake. You’re not going to get the huge wake you see on the newer boats, but we’ve surfed everything from early 90’s direct drive 205’s to new boats. I still prefer the multi use ability of the older boats over the new boats although I would recommend a vdrive over a direct drive.

    Like everything it is all about budget and what you’re looking for.

    • Like 1
  6. My wife has decided she wants to go to the UK for our 20th anniversary/40th birthdays. I’m not a fan, but it is what it is. I’m points stupid, so tell me what steps I’m missing here. I’ve got a ton of Chase points, have an AA account, and BA has a direct flight to London from my local airport. Looking at the AA award chart it looks like business class seats are 57,500 miles. Is this whole process as simple as convert 230,000 UR points to AA and then use those to book the BA flights? Do you pick seats at booking like a normal flight or are they assigned later? My normal go to is just to pay for the seats and waste points on something stupid, but these things look to be $12k if I buy them so I may as well burn some points.

  7. 4 hours ago, TexasBeta said:


    Lock thread. Blacklab wins again.

    Don’t even get him started on websites.

    A few years back I used to gamble football pretty heavily. I would play 50+ plays on college and every NFL game and had a lot of big ups and downs. I can’t even count the number of bad beats with big dollars on the line from stupid shit happening at the ends of college games. It’s part of the reason I quit playing.

    However, the worst single loss I remember was on NE/TN in the snow several years ago. I had a friend that had played college ball with one of the TN DB’s. He texts him the morning of the game that both NE corners were going to be out and TN was playing okay that year and had a great practice. It was a double digit line, in the snow with no DB’s so I went 4 figures each on TN, the under, and an under/TN teaser figuring the absolute worst case was 1 out of 3. It ended up 59-0 with Vince Young and Kerry collins combining for no yards passing.

  8. The most died in the wool R I know who actively supported Trump has moved to the middle in discussions lately. He sees the problems related to how far everything has moved over and has given up Fox News. There is still hope.

  9. 12 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    And by the way, I’m not certain because I don’t know you, but odds are that I’ve done more actual good with my own funds and time for blacks in the last 15 years for blacks than you’ve ever done or ever will do.  You kick my ass at internet virtue signaling. 

    Your self awareness is somewhat lacking. 

  10. You both can be wrong and right, but much like every other debate neither side actually reads and considers what the other side is saying.

    Government backing has clearly influenced housing and college. Non government entities would still be involved if the government backed out, but things would look drastically different than they do now. That may not be such a bad thing.

  11. 48 minutes ago, pops said:

    According to the rules, exactly the same. 

    It depends on which rule they enforced. With it being intentional, he should have been DQ’d under that rule. I’m not a golf purist by any means and have been known to get pissed and  do that. However, it’s the US Open and he should withdraw.

  12. I’m 90% gas at this point. I will say there is a distinct difference between a good (read:expensive) gas grill and a cheap one. Cheap ones don’t heat evenly, they don’t cook evenly, they are susceptible to flare ups and just shitty cooking overall. I’ve had 3-4 cheaper gas grills with some of those still being moderately expensive in the $400-$500 range. One session with the Weber Genesis II showed me that it was a complete waste of money to buy the cheaper ones. 

  13. On 6/13/2018 at 12:14 PM, Jiggy-Z said:

    I never watch Fox new or visit their website, but I just decided to view their website after reading about Cohen's splitting with his defense team-just to see what their take was-even though the story wasn't very take worthy-pretty cut and dry.  Well first I went to CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and the Wall St Journal after seeing it was the lead story-at least temporarily.  No mention at all on Fox News website.  Their lead was a bout NYT reporter being investigated after a liaison with some politico. Story was nowhere to be found at all on the lead page, so I went to politics-not there either at all-FOX lead was the Rosenstein deal from yesterday.

    I guess it just takes longer to put a spin on these things.

    Nope.  Still not there.

    The difference between CNN’s front page and the Fox News front page right this moment tells you all that you need to know about how screwed up the divide is in this country right now.

  14. 4 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    Have never voted straight D in my life but I will in the midterms.

    I’ve never been embarrassed to be an American until now.

    I’m telling everyone that will listen to get out and vote for Bredesen here. Fuck Blackburn, fuck the R’s, and fuck Trump. Not to get too Briskety, but this election cycle can be the first step in a change in direction. Those that are passive and don’t try and make a difference cast their support for the current administration whether you decide to own it or not.

  15. 58 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is fucking insane.

    I agree with her and would like to MAGA. However, I think she and Trump would disagree with my first step in that process which would be impeachment.

  16. 18 minutes ago, SKJ said:

    I would think this last cut/spend was one of the worst (as the projections look)...

    The worst part about it is that the programs we're supporting are failing and the political will to go through most of our programs and overhaul them to be more efficient and  effective just isn't even there.

    I believe government can do a great job with all these projects, but they need to be tended to, not just set them aside and keep throwing money at them

    There was a lot of good in the tax reform. There was a lot of bad in the tax cuts. However, the bill itself did make a difference in code simplification and is the first time in my 20 years in the industry that there was any sort of overhaul/simplification. As usual though they didn’t leave we’ll enough alone and went too far with cuts. Some of those were last minute add ons to pacify groups though.

  17. 57 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    And luck. The single biggest predictor of success in America is who your parents are. 

    I view this the same way I view Johnny’s opinion, you’re somewhat wrong and somewhat right. There are shit parents with shit kids, great parents with shit kids, poor parents with rich kids and vice versa to all of those. A jump start makes everything easier but people still find their way out. They need role models whether it is parents, grandparents, neighbors, teachers, etc that take an interest in them and show them a different way. Everyone should volunteer or spend time with kids. It can be in church, clubs, sports, school, organizations, etc. but give your time and not always your dollars. If it helps one kid find their way then it was a success.

    I came from nothing. My parents are alcoholics who didn’t do anything with their lives although both had successful parents. They got married in high school, didn’t graduate, and had me at 19. They were good parents in the sense they fed us, clothed us, and were home, but they sure didn’t set great examples. I had a 5th grade teacher at a school in the projects take me and several others under her wing and try to show us a way out over the next three years. I  got to high school, fucked off, became a drunk, and went down the hole to follow my parents. Ultimately another teacher made an impression on me, I met my now wife in 11th grade and decided to focus at that point. I pay more in taxes now than my parents ever made combined so it worked out. I have two sisters that both do well, a brother that finally seems to have a direction, and 2 worthless fuckup brothers I don’t talk to.

    It all comes back to someone taking the time to make a difference. I give all the time I can now because I feel some responsibility for my two shit brothers. I didn’t have the time to spend with them while I was trying to get my own life set.



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  18. 2 hours ago, wildcat09 said:

    This is hysterical. How the hell do you make six figures and not understand how marginal tax rates work?

    I have guys in 7 figures that don’t understand marginal rates.

  19. 4 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I hear you. 

    I'm just not sure how maligning a guy for being born privileged/wealthy and having the ideological/philosophical trappings that come with being born privileged and wealthy is any different  than maligning the poor and disadvantaged and their ideologies and philosophies born from a culture of generational poverty. I guess it's fun to make harass the wealthy and powerful because of catharsis and because of resentment and unmet expectations we have on what they should do or think.


  20. Just now, Johnny Sack said:

    $500-600 billion a year in tax revenue is lost due to unreported income.

    I see it every day. However, there are just as many if not more rich people that under report  by way of questionable deductions  as people not reporting income.

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