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  1. I can do without walkable and Uber as needed if it works better location wise. We will have at least one vehicle so we can make it work. Again, looking at maybe going with the Lake Travis area and driving everywhere also, but wanted to see what locations made sense a lot closer. Cost is what it is. Daughter’s roommate has a close friend at UT so they are going either way, game/race cover both kids, fall break week for the youngest already, might meet a surly asshole, what more could you ask for. Edit to add, thanks to those with the serious replies. Looking at some of those areas now.
  2. It’s simple, defeating the Trump cult and the GQP’s social agenda outweigh everything else right now. I still believe in respect, country over party, helping your neighbor, etc and believe all of that outweighs any of my own self interests.
  3. AirBnB/VRBO rentals, not looking for hotels so neighborhood areas are fine. There is still plenty of availability at a significant cost. Want to make sure I don’t end up in some random ass area at a stupid cost.
  4. My oldest is at UGA and my youngest is all into F1 now, so we’re going to head to Austin for the game/race weekend plus a few extra days with a few of their friends. Where is the best place to stay that has some walkable places to eat and hang out? Looking at rentals we have looked at rentals in the downtown area on both sides of 35 and then also out by Lake Travis for something different. It’s been years since I have spent any time in Austin, so before I commit to an overpriced rental I thought I would see if there was some other area we were missing.
  5. You know what else could help him in the WDC, those 7 points. I’m really curious what the discussion looks like if the 1/2 for the other teams were in the same position. Also, if the last few weeks went the way they probably should have for Lando, is the situation different with the WDC closer than it currently is?
  6. He never gets in front without the undercut. And he was pulling away from him once he cleared him, if Piastri was making up the time or caught up then so be it. He’s also the 1 with a very outside chance at the championship.
  7. He went straight to his car and shook his hand before Oscar got out. This stuff is dumb, I hope Lando loses the championship by less than 7 points. This wasn’t a couple second gap that he was giving up, it was 5+ and growing.
  8. Your take is stupid. Think through not taxing tips logically and explain how a waiter that makes $40k should pay less tax than an office worker making $40k.
  9. We had a place on Sanibel for 5-6 years. Sold right before the hurricane, replacement flooded prior to us closing, haven’t decided what we’re going to do next. Started looking at boats again last week. That never ends well for my bank account.
  10. Agree on Nashville. The politics in the City will remain blue/purple, the state will remain red. It is what it is. There is plenty to do outdoors once you know where to go which isn’t any different than any of the other cities mentioned. It will also continue to improve in the things to do category as more and more headquarters relocate to the area. I fly out of the airport regularly and have very rarely had a problem getting anywhere I want easily. Healthcare is also a significant plus in Nashville. The industry has been one of the reasons Nashville has grown the way it has. I would take NYC, Chicago, and several other places, but it is worth considering. Nashville is probably better suited for the young person at this point, but there are still benefits in retirement too.
  11. We looked really hard at SQ8’s and probably would have bought one if the local dealer wasn’t so f-ing terrible to deal with. Went to the Grenadier after that, was looking at different optioned versions of them in Atlanta, and then the Range Rover dealer called with a 2024 that the buyer backed out on at delivery.
  12. Your reading comprehension sucks just for the record. Criticism doesn’t equal misogyny, not liking the product is perfectly fine and your right to not follow/post about it. Posts like you made on the last page in relation to the fashion post equal misogyny. This really isn’t that difficult. No point in continuing this circular discussion, keep on being you.
  13. Holy shit, find a mirror my man. As a father of two daughters also, there is nothing that Sawbonz is telling you that lacks self awareness. Again, your posts come across as misogynistic especially some of them on the last page. As far as the rest of your posts about their profitability, do you feel the same about female college sports as you do about the WNBA or are your issues strictly with the WNBA’s financials?
  14. Pretty simple to figure that out for yourself (in your view anyways) and then move on to whatever floats your boat. Post 1283 isn’t justification for why you think the sport is bad, it’s just being a misogynistic asshole. Way too many “we’s” in there for someone who doesn’t care and who really hasn’t done anything to be able to use a “we” in that context.
  15. He’s on a roll, leave him alone. Most people just ignore a product/team/sport that they dislike, instead we have post after post trying to justify his feelings. I follow the WNBA from a distance, check out the Clark highlights, and keep on with my life. Hopefully, the league improves, expands, and gets through the growing pains.
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