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Everything posted by Lonestar88

  1. Nobody is underestimating the back to back defending champs and North Shore played Westlake much closer than Southlake did.
  2. Denton Guyer is beating the brakes off of Jesuit. 49-7 at the half. Guyer is going to moonwalk to the semis. No competition in their region at all.
  3. I wouldn’t call Card a JAG at this point, he’s much worse than a JAG.
  4. We kept him as a take all summer, don’t know why you think we’re in a position to be more picky after 5 straight losses than we were before the season started.
  5. Yeah, they have financial incentive to be positive. Hopelessness is bad for business.
  6. Kids are often loyal to the coach that recruited them. Almost all of Charlie’s guys still rode for him even after sucking shit through a straw for 3 years.
  7. I mean, Browning was kinda overrated. But in general yeah, there are still some can’t miss guys in state, and we usually don’t land them anymore.
  8. He’s echoing a common sentiment on this board. This state produces a lot of overrated talent. We technically have a roster full of in state “blue chips”, and it’s done us no good. Jimbo probably has the right idea going out of state as much as he does. But of course, when Charlie went out of state, TXHSFB coaches lost their shit.
  9. If next year goes as bad as this one, I don’t think he sees a year 3. I know Charlie got 3 years, but 1.) We’re probably entering the SEC in year 3 and won’t want a lame duck coach going in and 2.) As hard as it is to fathom, Sarkisian is absolutely having a worse year than any of Strong’s seasons. As far as the buyout, Texas always has the money, they just don’t always have the motivation to spend it. Firing Sark won’t be about lack of cash flow, it will be about how much embarrassment the people at the top are willing to bear.
  10. I’ll be interested in seeing who Washington lands. They just fired Jimmy Lake after 13 games, if they can get a decent coach after that, then so can we.
  11. This is an argument for getting rid of the entire staff, more than anything.
  12. That was awesome. This team is ahead of schedule, Schaefer is a magician.
  13. How the hell is keeping PK what’s “best for the program”? What about this season supports that statement?
  14. This is about to be the worst Texas season in 60+ years. You have to go back to the year before Royal was hired to find a season that was worse. There’s no coming back from this for this coaching staff. None. We can either keep Sark around and be a zombie program for two more years, then start over from scratch, or we can start over from scratch right now, those are the two options Either way, we’re fucked, there’s no quick fix for this shit, we’re going to be in the wilderness for a while.
  15. I remember when Rambo first entered the portal, he was poo poo'd by most of the board. He is so much laughably better than any receiver we have other than Worthy and we showed little to no interest.
  16. And now a third Cedar Hill kid. Massey was an Arizona State commit.
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