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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. lol Trump is being swayed by that garbage piece Richard Epstein shat out last week. For being so nice in person, Epstein is a pretty evil dude.
  2. This is like saying Hindus in India should burn in Hell for not accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. People are a product of their environment
  3. How In the hell has domestic travel not been suspended. Maybe suspend flights that are within 500 miles of each other (full days drive) I’m sure it will be soon enough. We have to wait first for the damage to be done though.
  4. This is a little psychotic. Maybe if we’re talking about someone like Johnny Sack who should know better, then maybe. But if we’re talking about someone born into a conservative family in a conservative milieu and was not gifted with the resources to overcome those impediments, then no, that would be wrong. You would be killing them for circumstances beyond their control.
  5. We are gonna blow every other country the fuck out in terms of total cases before this thing is through.
  6. He's getting internet hooked up to his house so he can do twitch streams.
  7. Enough with the malarkey, orange man.
  8. When was the last time Biden made a public appearance? He have corona or what?
  9. The don't test anyone plan seems to be working like a charm.
  10. I'd be more bullish about this if we weren't relying on Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer to make this happen. No FDR in that bunch. Hell, not even an LBJ. I mean, look at this horseshit lmao.
  11. My God the barbarity of our healthcare system. https://time.com/5806312/coronavirus-treatment-cost/
  12. IMO, these charts are misleadingly optimistic. Although there have been modest increases in income (often obtained through an increase in dual outcome households), that increase hasn’t kept pace with the rapid increase in the cost of living. This is why most Americans today have less than a $1,000 in savings...and that’s following a decade long bull market lol.
  13. Not really. We had a good run from the end of WWII till the oil shocks of the 70s. Since then up until the financial crisis most people worked harder to maintain their standard of living, and the crisis was awful for this country. By and large we work harder and receive less in return than the average person in other developed nations.
  14. Unlike the French, Americans are willing to lie down and take just about anything from those in authority. Maybe that will change though if unemployment really does hit 20%.
  15. He’s scary, but Ted Cruz has more charm than Tom Cotton. I don’t see it.
  16. She is, imo, vaguely attractive. However, I think Hawley is the one to beat in 2024. He is gifted.
  17. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Burr is never prosecuted. Resign, maybe, but no way is he getting prosecuted.
  18. I just liked the comparison between regular people living their lives and stock buybacks by self-interested executives intended to juice share prices without having to, you know, make the company more profitable. How insane does one have to be tweet something like that out? Further, irrespective of the bailout issue, the practice should be illegal as it's nothing more than a license to loot these businesses. Why reinvest profits in productive capabilities when you can simply short-circuit the market through buybacks?
  19. Now this is some good shit right here.
  20. Means testing direct stimulus misses the point. There is no need to ration stimulus when the entire economy will likely shrink by 5% this quarter and markets are begging the government to spend, spend, and spend some more.
  21. Interestingly, the $2k/adult, $1k/child number the House FSC proposed is in line with a recent paper Mike Konczal of the Roosevelt Institute put out. https://rooseveltinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/RI_Working-Paper-Forward-Thinking-Policy-Response-Coronavirus-202003.pdf I don't think many people seem to understand the kind of long-term damage that will accrue to the economy if we do not follow through on very bold demand-side stimulus.
  22. With any luck, Pelosi and Schumer and people like you Smokey will finally make the Democrat party go the way of the Whigs.
  23. She's already stated her objections to universal relief. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/18/nancy-pelosi-coronavirus-stimulus-plan-136142 Per that politco article, apparently her and Waters also got into it on a conference call regarding the relief plan.
  24. This is good. Doubt Pelosi will want to push it though. https://financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=406440
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