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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. It had an impact on a lot of things but even if not a single slave had ever reached our shores you can bet your ass there would still be a ruling elite and it would reproduce itself in largely the same manner that it does currently.
  2. I'm beginning to suspect that the fact that we are conditioned to mediate all forms of observable oppression in our society through the lens of race does more work for the ruling elite than does the racism itself. Had chattel slavery never taken hold in this country things may be a little better than they are currently but things would by-and-large be the same.
  3. lmao they held a struggle session https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/06/15/mike-gundy-chuba-hubbard-post-video-regarding-oan-t-shirt/
  4. Fozzz

    2020 NFL DRAFT

    It’s not a terrible strategy as it’s a good year for receivers.
  5. Baltimore is a great spot for him with their weak WR corps. Opportunity to get a lot of targets.
  6. I think Sam is overall an elite QB although these numbers indicate that, barring substantial improvement next season, he's unlikely to have much success at the next level. I also think it's interesting how well Hurts excels at CPOE/CAYOE when has such a low rep among CFB fans. There are a lot of OU fans on twitter that except improvement from the QB position with Rattler coming in, which seems ridiculous when you look how well Hurts actually performed.
  7. Some of the first CFB CPOE data I've seen. Thought Sam would perform better here.
  8. So maybe the decline in new positive cases is really being driven by the decline in testing? lol
  9. China should double the US' contribution to the WHO's funding.
  10. Farms are destroying millions of pounds of fresh good at the same time as thousands upon thousands of people line up at food banks. Remember, there are people dumb enough to believe this is the best possible system of resource allocation mankind could ever hope to possess. This is the best of all possible worlds.
  11. That will pass and be replaced with a lot of shrugs and not give a shit in November.
  12. A real right-wing talking point is that we can't "afford" to guarantee healthcare for every citizen, but libs have no problem parroting that one.
  13. Saying that "Joe Biden has dementia" is a right-wring talking point is like saying it's a right-wing talking point to agree with a conservative that the sky is blue. Twaddle.
  14. https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/documents/monmouthpoll_us_032416.pdf/ The election blew up in Clinton's face because the support of moderate Republicans she had been chasing melted away as the election approached. Why would you not expect something similar to happen with Biden? The Dems are using the exact same plan which failed so spectacularly four years ago, but I guess losing in this manner is preferable to the alternative.
  15. lmao. Hillary was up over 20% on Trump for 18-34 voters in March 2016.
  16. Having Trump or Biden isn’t a good thing. The best thing we can hope for is paralysis.
  17. I don’t think it’s likely the Dems will win they Senate. It is very likely they will retain the House though and they will not work with Trump to cut SS or other entitlement programs because they have to at least pretend to oppose Trump. However, Biden would work the Republicans to gut entitlement programs under the pretext that we have no choice in the face of exploding deficits.
  18. Imagine pulling the lever for someone who is both a rapist and a segregationist.
  19. That’s exactly what Obama tried to do using the financial crisis as a pretext and what Biden, who is even more conservative than Obama, has wanted to do for nearly his entire career.
  20. It’s not a strategy. It’s an acknowledgement that the best the average citizen can hope for at this point is a continuation of the current state of affairs for another four years. Hopefully Biden will lose and the Dems will be in control of at least one chamber of Congress.
  21. This country is in terminal decline is how.
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