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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. That competing "projection" from Richard Epstein is something else. He's an incredibly smart person, but also a shameless hack. lmao really? There are still plenty of people going out even with bars closing and restaurants moving to take-out only. He's just pulling this shit out of his ass and if people were dumb enough to take him seriously many more people would die. Burn in Hell, Richard.
  2. What exactly are the dems doing? The last thing I heard was Pelosi shooting down cash payments due to the lack of means testing.
  3. Are you comparing freedom riders with people voting for a guy who was an unabashed segregationist and eulogized Strom Thurmond at his funeral?
  4. Trump's admin has obviously been a colossal failure at ensuring enough people are being tested, but I wouldn't bet on the public being able to by-and-large make that connection given the media that many of them consume, and the impotent, incompetent dems will surely fail to make the case on their own. Demand-side stimulus is a lot more visible to voters and the Republicans appear to understand this more than at least the congressional dem leadership.
  5. If those firms want relief then it better come with only the exchange of voting shares.
  6. More than a few of these people will die for the honor of voting for someone who does not give a single fuck about them. I thought most people in their 50s, 60s were still fairly sharp, but maybe aging really does just destroy your ability to think.
  7. Trump out here keeping struggling families in their homes while dems mewl about what idiom they are using to describe the virus.
  8. Trump's gonna win in the midst of a pandemic and massive recession.
  9. I was surprised with the turnout, particularly in Florida. These people are even more labrador brained than I had thought. Imagine giving your life to vote for Joe Biden. lmao.
  10. He (or really his admin) is a Keynesian, just like Reagan.
  11. Yeah, things ran much more smoothly before the Fed.
  12. So what does the DNC do if none of the olds turn out today out of fear of imminent death and Bernie somehow wins the states voting today? With turnout so incredibly low, it wouldn't be that far fetched of an outcome. The polls are almost meaningless in this context.
  13. He certainly will close them but only after so many Texans needlessly contract/die from this bug.
  14. How many positive cases will we need in this state before Abbott locks the state down? 10,000?
  15. Down here for the weekend and they don't give a fuck about the virus. Think I might roll the dice and head out to either La Curva or Alicias for lunch today.
  16. Vegas should do an o/u on American dead until Congress passes and the President signs into law paid sick leave.
  17. He and another member of his admin both have it and met with Trump. I'd say 50/50 odds Trump has it.
  18. lmao Bolsonaro got it. So Trump has been around at least a couple of people who have it.
  19. The tank is far from empty and the market is screaming for stimulus. Print the money.
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