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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. Think I'm leaning towards this take. It will be harder for Dems to cut Social Security and pursue other austerity measures under a Republican President but there is also the question of replacing RBG.
  2. It may well happen but without fans. Way too much liability for the schools having tens of thousands of congregated together with the virus still spreading.
  3. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/coronavirus-boris-johnson-positive-test-health-advice-shaking-hands-hospital-hancock-a9430231.html
  4. lol there will be no guillotines. The most egregious looters like Burr and Loeffler won't even be forced to resign. There will be a lot of pointless mewling on the internet though.
  5. Totally normal for a government to require its citizens to die in order to vote. lmao.
  6. At this point, who do you think is going to come out on top in a military conflict over Taiwan? We would be helpless in an extended conflict against a peer adversary. We are a total joke. Russia is a joke country with a decent military and a large nuclear arsenal. We will end up like them sooner or later.
  7. I don’t think Trump entirely explains our near total inability to effectively address this crisis. How red is NYC?
  8. You sound like a bot when post nonsensical crap like this.
  9. This crisis has brought into sharp relief how our time as global hegemon is over. We are in severe decline.
  10. Better than even odds COVID takes this motherfucker out.
  11. Maybe if we truly end up with something far worse than the Great Depression. It would take some unparalleled mass suffering for Americans to even think about taking their betters to account.
  12. Remember when everyone thought Burr and Loeffler were going to maybe be held accountable for their insider trading? Lmao.
  13. Not true at all. It's pretty much inarguable that this proposal is meant to shovel money at high income households in blue states. Even the uber-lib NYT recognizes this plain fact. Pelosi and Schumer are failing nearly as hard as the other side in addressing this crisis. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/30/business/economy/coronavirus-economic-stimulus-taxes.html
  14. The China derangement syndrome has been fun to watch unfold, particularly in the DT thread. These people can't seem to deal with the fact that the US' response to the pandemic has been a world class embarrassment and thus need to channel that humiliation into scapegoating China.
  15. Thank God they're going to reform the SALT cap or we'd be in real trouble.
  16. Stacey is at least honest about being in this for no reason other than making money. https://www.thecut.com/2019/03/stacey-abrams-whats-next.html
  17. This show is great. So much better than Westworld.
  18. The Platform - boring as hell. Pain and Glory - delightful.
  19. Using slave labor to dig mass graves in NYC. Now this is bold leadership. https://theintercept.com/2020/03/31/rikers-island-coronavirus-mass-graves/
  20. What of the below do you take issue with? https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/high-income-households-would-benefit-most-repeal-salt-deduction-cap
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