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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. Someone better pin Liz down on her bullshit healthcare plan.
  2. She should just be honest and admit that all she really wants to do is beef up the ACA. Run on what you plan to actually do instead of obfuscating and lying about your own plans.
  3. Removing the letter D from the name of a defensive coach you don't like is some of the most aggy shit ever.
  4. I know someone who is a Trump supporter that manages a vape shop. He's a nice guy and I hope nothing Trump does negatively impacts his employment but I wonder what's going on in his head right now with Trump ostensibly going after the vaping industry.
  5. And sometimes Medicare isn't really Medicare (e.g., Medicare Advantage). Bernie needs to be clear that he supports a public universal healthcare plan that is free at the point of service, as this is what the debate is really about. Put the question to Liz and all of the other pretenders whether they support such a plan.
  6. Who could have guessed, Liz's M4A plan isn't actually M4A at all. https://elizabethwarren.com/plans/health-care She believes voters really are this stupid, and from the looks of this thread, maybe she's not wrong.
  7. I imagine every team improves from week one to week two dumb dumb.
  8. It's just a weird combination of arm angle, low spin, and high velocity. That kind of movement can be good for generating GB but it's not very good for generating swinging strikes. For instance, Kelly only has a 8% SwStr rate for his fastballs this season which is pretty poor for someone who averages 98 mph.
  9. What a little spoiled shit. I wish my dad were a Gemstone.
  10. The offense Harsin ran here is more complex than anything you will see in the Big 12 today.
  11. Add Alabama to your list and we have a deal.
  12. Why would you place National Socialism next to Communism when the Nazis were privatizers? Were the Nazis not authentic National Socialists under this schema?
  13. Hijacked by oligarchs? My God the naivety is breathtaking.
  14. He's not a sock. He's just a racist and most likely inbred.
  15. I think the trend has been generally to simplify things and to focus on creating a numbers advantage via horizontal/vertical stretching of the field (inverted veer being an obvious example) and/or placing individual players into an assignment conflict (the idea behind RPOs). Doing those things requires a minimal amount of complexity in terms of number of formations and concepts that are included in the offense, which makes it easier to run them at the more rapid pace that has become common.
  16. lol the most "complex" offenses the sport has ever seen.
  17. imo, nothing is going to really change until they get new ownership.
  18. So what is this dumbfuck going to do for the next few years? Become a lobbyist? Go after more working class families in El Paso on the behalf of his rich in-laws?
  19. Saints need a very quick 8-10 yard completion. What do you do? You send twoand drop three safeties 25 yards deep. Might as well have played 8 against 11 on the most critical defensive play of the game.
  20. Seth Galina put out a nice explainer earlier this year on the tite front which Texas runs under Orlando, including why it has become so popular (great at combating RPOs) as well as some of its weaknesses (weak pass rush). https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2019/2/5/18205641/tite-front-defenses-explained
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