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Everything posted by Fozzz

  1. I assure you some poor family farmers get fucked by federal estate taxes but you'd being a fucking rube to believe efforts to reform/repeal estate taxes are done so on their behalf. Don't be a rube, jimmyjazz.
  2. I would agree with this and its illustrative of who her real constituents are (wealthy Californians), which is the problem.
  3. How do you tailor action on SALT to focus benefits on middle class earners when a total repeal of SALT would provide hardly any benefit whatsoever to people making less than $500K a year? Is the action tailored so that people making $50K to $100K save a few bucks while higher earners don't save any additional money? Whoopy fucking doo. This is reminiscent of how Republicans try to frame the debate over the "death tax" as primarily affecting small farmers.
  4. You don't think it's funny that the top-ranking congressional dem proposed a rollback of SALT (something that would almost entirely be to the benefit of the rich) as a way to get more money into the hands of individuals? That's pretty fucking funny.
  5. Just because Ben is a shameless grifter doesn't mean that he was not, at least at some point in his life, exceptionally skilled in his field. The guy was director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.
  6. Weird how no heads popped off over Ben Carson.
  7. Pelosi could have had the House pass a clean support bill for workers and small businesses (like the proposal put forth by the House FSC) without the $4.5 trillion slush fund and then held the Senate's feet to the fire to pass it. Then the optics would have been McConnell holding up needed support because he wants to shovel hoards of money to the wealthiest people in this country. She didn't do that because she's complicit.
  8. Why is giving Mnuchin nearly a $5 Trillion slush fund without any oversight not something we should worry about? Both parties are using the crisis as a pretext for restructuring the way our country functions. This is a cash grab of unprecedented proportions by the rich. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/senate-democrats-donald-trump-coronavirus-bill_n_5e7b77a6c5b62a1870d62d83
  9. There is a difference between lying about a voice vote where there is plausible deniability, and lying about a recorded vote that is open for the world to see. How would people even know what they have in their elected officials if what those officials do isn't made of record? You may think Massie is a fucking moron but that doesn't make him incorrect on this particular issue. Further, Pelosi could have allowed remote voting to get everyone on the record without requiring everyone to return to DC. I hope that you understand that's a distraction and not the real reason driving their decision to use a voice vote - they don't want to be held accountable.
  10. lol what difference does it make that we've given cover for these creeps to lie about their vote on a monumentally important piece of legislation?
  11. Massie is entirely correct here. It's shameful this was done with a voice vote.
  12. There are people who follow sports and then there are people who make an entire identity out of following sports, akin to how some nerds make an identity out of gaming. Clay Travis has been one of the most adept people on the planet at monetizing this phenomenon. He is one of their Gods, centrally positioned in the pantheon. He doesn't appear to know much about anything, and yet there he stands. I can respect that.
  13. This country fucking rules. https://gizmodo.com/teen-who-died-of-covid-19-was-denied-treatment-because-1842520539/amp?__twitter_impression=true
  14. Going to go out on a limb and say they totally ignore the allegation of rape against him.
  15. You sound like a FNC Grandpa defending Trump. It's disgusting.
  16. Do you think our number of confirmed cases is representative of our total number of cases?
  17. Good chance we pass up both Italy and China today to have the most cases of any country in the world.
  18. Scroll down to see the segment he's referring to.
  19. How many people do you think were infected as they voted in the recent dem primaries? Hosts on CNN and MSNBC were arguing that it was our duty to not postpone those elections. That's not downplaying?
  20. Cable news is a much bigger problem than Facebook, but of course Pod Boy will limit his critique to FNC and not to CNN and MSNBC, which are equally as bad.
  21. Shifting into high gear. No way we aren't COVID-19 World Champs in total positive cases in like a week from now.
  22. Imo, the lives of most Americans would improve if the Chinese successively invaded and overthrew our government. Change my mind.
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