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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Steve and team need to remember games are longer than 30 minutes and that no lead is safe.
  2. Damn. Face raped aggy on opening drive.
  3. For the full game or just the first half?
  4. Can't wait to get excited for either the "Texas" or "Alamo" Bowl. Woohoo. Such horseshit. This team snatches defeat from the jaws of victory more than any I can think of. No lead is safe for the coaches & players not to fuck up.
  5. The fall of META share price and Zuck's huge bet on the "Metaverse" will make an amazing documentary/case study one day. Just crazy seeing what is happening to the share price as the market takes a huge shit on his vision.
  6. Bader and his retainer. Did he just get his braces off? Fucks with it nonstop
  7. Way you’re go baby!!!! Ripped it. Love seeing the yankee fan yapping in stands afterwards.
  8. LFG!!!! Get this party started Astros!!
  9. If Texas and OU really stay in Big 12 one more year that’s insane. Loan OU the $ and GTFO of this fucking conference. Can’t even imagine what next season looks like on the fuckery scale.
  10. Outside of Roschon this team just doesn’t have that guy that’s “ride or die”. Team full of frontrunners. Guys that love winning more than they hate losing. So frustrating to watch.
  11. Welp. Here comes losing streak. Just crazy. Team cannot hold leads. At least Astros winning big so far.
  12. Welp. The 2H offensive woes continue. Let’s go Horns.
  13. This is such a shitty, sloppy effort. Tons of penalties, sloppy play, overthrows, INT, just so inconsistent.
  14. True dat. Lots of ugly in the stands for sure. Texas D has to hold OSU on opening drive
  15. Fuck. Now OSU can score on old PK then they get ball to start half. Or the D can do something here.
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