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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. SO fucking frustrating that Texas lost to Tech & OSU when both are so shitty. Just ridiculous Texas had double digit leads in both games and shit them away. Fucking hell.
  2. Sweet!!!! Big get for the good guys.
  3. Hopefully Ewers and Worthy spent some time together this week and got on the same page. Last week was a fucking mess.
  4. I just want that dude to get on base. Keep innings alive. Right now he’s a batting dead zone.
  5. On a forecast call in Central Austin still celebrating Astros win Texas!!!
  6. This may have been posted a couple of pages back and if so I apologize, but it's still funny
  7. Makes up for 0-forever AB with that play.
  8. Needed to pull him after he walked second dude. Baker calling shit game from base running to staff mgmt.
  9. Mancini. Oof. I guess he’s due but surely there’s a better option.
  10. Oof. OF needs to communicate a little better than that.
  11. You cannot roll JV out there next inning. Just playing with fire at this point.
  12. Verlander has to a quick hook tonight for sure. Can’t let whatever plagues him in WS action blow another game.
  13. Great outing by Javier. So good. Now time for bullpen to kick some ass.
  14. Ok. Keep telling yourself that getting swept in ALCS is same as losing game in WS. Whatever helps you cope is fine.
  15. Well the Yankees have lots of time to work on their game seeing as how they are on various and sundry beaches around the world vs actually playing in a World Series game. I’d rather watch my team lose a WS game vs be swept in a ALCS. Have fun criticizing a team that shit pumped yours.
  16. BrazilHorn


    Lula was one of the most corrupt leaders Brasil had (and similarly to Louisiana in the US that’s saying something) Even with that he’s 100x better than Latin Trump
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