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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. two short throws, another hit worthy in the hands and he lost it, and then a GDGD play.
  2. wtf are adaptogens and functional mushrooms?
  3. fyi: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-says-palestinian-authority-current-form-should-not-run-gaza-2023-11-12/
  4. michigan players standing at the pile, a yard short, indicating first down. michigan math.
  5. sark would find a way to keep it close
  6. What you have been waiting for all season is finally here. SEC AA weekend
  7. Because if there's any such thing as a true barometer out there it's American feeeeeeeeees about middles eastern weapons programs
  8. back in 2019 iran announced they would no longer follow the JCPOA since they were no longer getting the benefit of its economic programs.
  9. when rivian dies i hope FCA hires its designers to replace whoever penned this monstrosity, whom i assume have been executed for crimes against humanity: edit: hideous from every angle
  10. there's non-trivial chance that the fed has been rate-hiking for nothing. "we're going to ease inflation pressures by making it more expensive for suppliers to supply" is ... some kind of logic.
  11. on october 21 the high was 91°, and just after midnight it was in the low 70s. in austin on that day it was in the low 90s at race time. the forecast high for sunday in austin is 70°. the races should be swapped.
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