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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. x, 3, 8, x, x 2, 4, x, 5, x, 3, 1, x, 5, 6, 7
  2. Is it? Every throw must be perfect and every receiver has to run the right route and put in effort? yes we saw it two weeks ago on an obvious miscommunication by the QB and receiver, it's grounding. the officials aren't there to say 'well what if the receiver had run a different route?'
  3. that was out of bounds shouldn't have had to call a TO
  4. surprised no holding called on the left tackle the last two plays
  5. camera angle won't be able to overturn call on the field.
  6. missed the underneath guy, holding as quinn extends the play, no TD.
  7. run 3 receivers to the boundary with 5 yards separating them, great play design
  8. 3 slants in a row and only a drop stopped them
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