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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. think that hit the cardinals player's elbow
  2. how do you manage to make zoe saldana look terrible?
  3. the vast majority of people ain't going to see shit in inheritance but still have to pay bigly for college and housing.
  4. because baby boomers have gotten the government to transfer 100+ trillion dollars of wealth to them since the early 1980s by voting in favor of policies that impoverish the following generations (that thing you guys are constantly worried about but don't understand the cause of or the solution to)? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/great-wealth-transfer-isn-t-100000946.html
  5. And the knesset has a unique electoral structure that encourages the fragmentation of political parties. https://en.idi.org.il/articles/25792
  6. Great race. 5 passes for the lead on track. If Sainz hadn't taken the grid drop it might have been the best in years.
  7. Max passed for position on track is that even allowed
  8. Did pirelli bring the inters this weekend? Might want to toss those on to get warm tires
  9. Big piece of carbon almost killed lewis
  10. That's a second tire carcass flying off in 2 races
  11. Jared Leto? Edit: not in response to Tom Joad, in response to Jared Leto
  12. sit your ass down campbell you've gotten bullshit calls all night
  13. 4th and 5 and you rifle one 15 yards past the receiver
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