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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. There are a couple of ways for the Democrats to get to 51 without Beto, but it either requires the coin to come up heads 3 times out of 5, or the Kavanaugh fiasco to overwhelm Republicans at all levels. IMHO North Dakota is the linchpin to control, not Texas. The last time anyone not named Fox News did polling up there was June. I don't know if anyone has a clue what this race looks like now. The fact that we're even discussing Democrat control of the Senate in 2019 with this awful of a map was crazy talk not that long ago.
  2. Bama now -34.5 at piggy, on the right side of 35 Stay away from Iowa -5.5 at Minnesota. I don't have a clue what to make of this Gopher club, yet Captain Kirk is only 2-3 here since the move to Dinkytown. Wisconsin -20.5/21 vs Nebraska. This hasn't been a close series in Madison, and that was with much better Husker teams than this one.
  3. It's odd to see a game that may have major consequences for the NFC playoff standings both in September and on TNF, but here we are. Then again, if the Vikings secondary can't get their shit together it may not matter.
  4. There are several women in my FB feed who are all-in on the "Leave BK Alone!!!" angle. Incidentally, all are mothers of young daughters. I am disappointed.
  5. Didn't Hatch originally defer his time to the prosecutor?
  6. So what time do the fireworks start in the hearing room tomorrow?
  7. GopherRock

    Drafting NFL QBs

    Chiefs will be the runaway 1 seed in the AFC and promptly soil themselves in the divisional round. Rinse, repeat.
  8. This. I went this past spring, and it is very powerful. A must visit when in New York. I hope that if I'm ever in a position that those on Flight 93 were in, I've got a shred of their courage. To know that you're going to die soon and to take up the fight anyway. I always post these two videos on 9/11. Ordinary people are capable of doing truly extraordinary things. On 9/11, we saw it from all quarters.
  9. 6 to 3? No wonder this series is called ¡El Assico!
  10. Gonna have to pour out a little Coors Banquet tonight
  11. Manafort Trial 2: Electric Boogaloo
  12. Michigan at Notre Dame U47. I don't see many points in this one either. Southern Cal -28 v UNLV, only because UNLV has been so rancid.
  13. Keep in mind that Vigano was the guy who marched Kim Davis into a meeting with Papa Frank, and was forced from his post 6 months later because of it. The Vatican undoubtedly has to get their shit together, but this claim has some credibility problems.
  14. Twins will open at home on March 28, then skip town for the Final Four. There may still be 3 feet of snow on the ground on March 28.
  15. The best solution is for Lane to get driven into the Big Island on the east side of South Point and have Mauna Loa tear it apart.
  16. So is it time to start worrying about a hung jury?
  17. Minnesota Republicans decided that two terms as governor were...ahem... Pawlenty. https://www.twincities.com/2018/08/14/mn-governor-early-primary-returns-johnson-leads-pawlenty-battle-for-gop-while-walz-murphy-lead-swanson-vie-for-dfl/ Also, there were nearly twice as many votes cast in the DFL primary than the Republican primary.
  18. So will the jury be out long enough to get a cup of coffee?
  19. For those about to rock, we salute you!
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