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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. "Lack of institutional control" isn't just an NCAA term. It's also a USDOE term, and today they found that MSu flagrantly demonstrated this. http://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/25885611/us-department-education-cites-michigan-state-university-clery-act-violations-espn-lines
  2. The crime occurred in Barron County, and that's where all the filings and court proceedings have been. She was found in rural Douglas County.
  3. It is happening. AP reporting it. https://twitter.com/AP/status/1088761537911771142?s=09
  4. Senate Intelligence Committee formally subpoenas Cohen.
  5. I consolidated my federal student loans in the mid 2000s at ~2%, but the remainder through the State of MN were at 5 to 7%. What you should be getting mad at is the wholesale defunding of higher ed by state Legislatures. Not sure how it is at UT, but state funding at the U of Minnesota is half of what it was in 1996, both as adjusted dollars and as a share of total revenue.
  6. Not sure what to make of the farmers. Maybe my sample size is fouled, but the ones I know in southern MN are pretty dug in on their MAGA stance, bins full of rotting soybeans notwithstanding. One unexpected benefit of rock-bottom prices of corn and soybeans is a surge in spring wheat planting (up 40% in Minnesota from 2017 to 2018), and a return to three-year crop rotation.
  7. How long before Nantz hangs em up? Reid should have ordered up one more shot to the end zone at the end of regulation, to make sure that the FG is the last play. 11 seconds is a long time.
  8. Ok, Pat, time to go. Go knock the champs out.
  9. Time to matriculate the ball down the field...
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