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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. Mueller doesn't sound super sharp. Who is asking the question about the DOJ policy?
  2. Is 730 AM CDT the real start time for this tomorrow?
  3. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/apollo-11-moon-launch-memorable-moments-cbs-news-coverage-50-years-ago-today-2019-07-16-live-stream/ CBS News is livestreaming their programming from 50 years ago today. Launch goes a little after 8:30 AM CDT. Ramjet has the comm...
  4. From what I've seen, I'm not too worried about Colorado. Sure Hickenlooper has the name recognition, but the Democrat bench seems to be solid enough that a quality candidate will face Gardner. Not sure if PredictIt has put up contracts yet on the Senate, but McGrath seems like a good one to take a flier on at 10 to 15 cents. But everything in Kentucky depends on their governor's race in the fall. If the incumbent comes back, forget it. As for the others, remember that there's a long way to go and the presidential field is going to shrink considerably by Halloween. So there is hope yet in Montana.
  5. Damn, play with fire enough and you get burned
  6. Our goalie is doing work back there. All the action in the second half has been in her lap and she's made some tough saves.
  8. Oof. Good start, but the next 15 minutes have been lousy in the defense
  9. Meanwhile baseball and softball are out after 2020.
  10. Speaking of 2020 candidates, has that fighter pilot that ran for the House in 18 from eastern Kentucky (can't remember her name offhand) officially thrown in vs. Cocaine Mitch?
  11. I've been saying this for years: Either the NCAA fixes this matter themselves, or someone else will fix it for them, and they're probably not going to like how someone else fixes it.
  12. 32,000 pounds is still a fuck load of cocaine.
  13. So what happens if the joker comes up? Immediate misdeal with all bets returned? I'm enjoying the chatter about how to play the low pocket pairs.
  14. Minneapolis Super is completely sold out. Tickets that hadn't been bought by season ticketholders went on sale at 9 this morning and were gone by 10.
  15. Weather is looking bad in Minneapolis as well. Saturday and Sunday look like total washouts. Based on when the rain is supposed to arrive in MSP, there's a good chance the second game tonight doesn't even start. Would they try to play all 7 on Monday? This is terra incognita for everyone involved here.
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