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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. I hate his Future Farmers of America rolled up ball cap. You're not fooling anyone pussy.
  2. Unbelievable. Two years ago. GET IN THAT MOTHERFUCKER.
  3. This is our concern, dude. How do we win without a large cushion.
  4. This league will not win a conference championship
  5. Goddamnit I wish these games were only on the radio. More fucking commercial breaks
  6. Looks like a 737-500. Could be a former CAL plane. We sold off that part of the fleet, and two went to a Russian outfit that promptly crashed them. This approach is so unstable they should have their tickets pulled for "careless and reckless" operation, yet the right seat kept filming like it's another Tuesday.
  7. We had 6 pilots die from covid and 24 that are currently on long-term term disability due to long covid. Granted, these guys were closer to middle-age than young foot soldiers, but probably fitter than the general population in their age group. I still can't believe we're arguing over this shot that could keep you out of the cemetery.
  8. They'll announce moments before the Big12 CCG.
  9. Also remember CSU dominated their game for 58 minutes then pissed themselves. Should've been a 2-1 start.
  10. Traylor distracted by aggy gold. UTSA fucked.
  11. I'm not. They're fucked anyway if you're their biggest fan.
  12. They are peer institutions, so it's not out of the question.
  13. My oldest daughter was there at the same time. She said the park was mostly empty, and there was one car at Lost Mines parking when they arrived. They turned around a half mile from the summit due to fog and cold. When they returned, the car was still there. They now think it was Christy Perry's car. Crazy. Glad they found this fellow Longhorn.
  14. No shit. My airline lines new hires up week one for a yellow fever vax. Don't like it; go fly for spirit.
  15. I don't care who we play; I just want in.
  16. You should try to do your job from Golden. Let them figure it out and fix the glitch.
  17. I was supposed to be studying for a checkride today, but this shit was too good.
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