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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Harvdog

  1. My apologies. Internet has been spotty and it triple posted. Definitely not my intention
  2. Sorry about the triple post. Internet issues. Weird. And fuck you right back Fud.
  3. I think Stewart is going to end up like Petersen did. I will never forget him putting on that OU hat and saying “Texas is good but if you want to win championships, you go to Oklahoma!” during the All-Star game. Fuck him for that. I hope every member of the 2005 team shows him what a proper championship ring looks like. He got a bag but nothing else
  4. The obligatory Fuck the Brocks response. Based on this incoming OL class, I don’t know if we would even take them as a portal option after 2022. I would be shocked if either play next year too. I don’t know why this makes me so warm and fuzzy inside but it just does.
  5. If the aggys sign the #1 class, I bet they put that in their “Wall of a champions”. What a joke
  6. Any one have the link to Nicole and her friends celebrating in the hotub? Asking for a friend
  7. I think if someone cut Ketch’s arm, ranch dressing and bacon fat would bleed out
  8. That will help get the taste of ass out of your mouth
  9. I would totally watch that over a Hayes Fawcett IG Live.
  10. QE has $1M….can’t imagine he would want to chicks from Columbus to double up on him.
  11. While we bask in today…just a PSA. Gentlemen….Please wear your masks!!! Wearing a mask saved a friend of mine from dying yesterday. He was at the bar with his girlfriend and his wife walked in and didn’t recognize him behind the mask! Proof that masks save lives!!
  12. Elko looks like he’s destroyed quite a few CFS at Chicken Oil Company. The power of the CFS is strong! He’s a heart attack waiting to happen
  13. Can’t wait to see the Aggies meltdown over Banks!
  14. If Roach were alive 80 years ago he would have been hesitant to put in a CB of the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941. ”Ears to the water, I am hearing some reports of Japanese aggression in Hawaii but I am not ready to make a decision if it means war or not.”
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