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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. 1-0 Yankees end of the 2nd. Could have been much worse.
  2. Anderson gets out of first inning in order.
  3. or, at least get to see Rizzo terrorize us, I'm sure.
  4. Yankees time. @shadow_operative2.0 do not abandon us, good sir!
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/oyna7l/texas_radio_host_makes_fun_of_mask_wearing_covid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 If I knew how to easily/quickly embed all those pics I would.
  6. Ah, thanks for the correction. More and more my decision to boost with a moderna shot (two weeks tomorrow) feels like the right call. That said, I'm glad the J&J vaccine was effective in keeping you from having a severe case, which after all is the overall purpose.
  7. Hey, you're the one I was thinking of the other day...if I recall correctly you had the moderna vaccine. I'm glad to read you're better now. Sorry about the other crap you're putting up with.
  8. neon should send that to the oil and gas ceo. that was very hard to watch, very heartbreaking. i teared up for the man. but kudos to him for filming and sharing this. if it makes a difference for a few doubters, then he's done good somehow.
  9. Yeah, I know dumb people can graduate from the best of colleges. When I read "Cambridge-educated" I thought perhaps that type of person would have a general understanding of how 'the jab' gave you antibodies. That's the entire purpose of 'the jab' right? And then 'vlogging' your mistake for the world to see going all the way to death being wrong. At age 58. Well, maybe that part helps someone. Maybe.
  10. Not just American. At one point he said "'I hope I've got it. I hope it is Covid. I'd rather the antibodies than the jabs.' " Umm, sir.... The rest of the story on the daily mail site. I know, the daily mail. Nonetheless....
  11. While good news, CEO in article says Delta is new so obviously not in this study. Also, I didn’t get a read on whether the 93% is against infection or against serious infection. Still overall good news
  12. Oh man am I sorry to read this. I hope you get better really soon. We obviously share a lot of commonalities even for a board like this (Mariners, metal, movies, e.t.c). Hoping it gets better for you and fast.
  13. This isn't good. https://www.fayettevilleflyer.com/2021/08/03/secretary-of-health-nearly-19-percent-of-active-covid-19-cases-in-arkansas-are-in-children/
  14. I swear he's looked better since his stance change. Lots more walks, and he hit an HR yesterday.
  15. the first tweet, not the nested one.
  16. Since ya'll mentioned Bellinger:
  17. There was a poster on this very thread w/a breakthrough infection that had Moderna. Speaking of, hope he's OK.
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