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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. Having kids is when I first started working out, and I had mine later in life. Wanting to see them to adulthood was reason number one. Reason number two was lacking the energy to chase them around as little ones, which I realized quickly I needed. I changed my diet as well, although that went off and on for a while until I got with it. But yes, yearly health checks, working out, eating better, all those responsible things I had somehow ignore most of my adult life. All changed b/c of kids. It is one of the many ways they saved me, if I think about it. Edit: And adding a life saving vaccine was never a question for me, which really shouldn't have to be said.
  2. Well, not to be argumentative, but our farm system has not been highly rated year after year. Jack Z did nothing to improve it. That was what Dipoto has been addressing. Whether or not it pays off in the long run, we'll we will of course have to see.
  3. Reminds of the Ken Burns Vietnam documentary that showed similar stuff as the US left.
  4. I haven't been following closely, but I thought he was out?
  5. https://www.lookoutlanding.com/platform/amp/2021/8/16/22627137/despite-graduations-baseball-america-ranks-seattle-mariners-farm-system-1-in-mlb-mid-season-update?utm_campaign=lookoutlanding&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&__twitter_impression=true Future is hopefully brighter. I guess it has to be?
  6. This was going to be my reply to the Manatee county one.
  7. Others have said this, but just wanted to add that I appreciate you weighing in here and vent away of you need. From my perspective it doesn’t seem you owe anyone an apology. Take care of yourself.
  8. It’s apparently another Mr. Apley post. You can google him up if you want. To everyone else, sorry for the repeat.
  9. Apparently that post came from 'telegram' and was copied/pasted on reddit. so if its fake, apologies in advance. I do hope its real and I hope that indeed the anti-vaxxers please stay home and avoid those prisons.
  10. Remember, just a couple of pages back, we were told our boy Pressley chose to go on the ventilator. I do sincerely hope his followers take Lin's advice, however:
  11. Kelenic and Toro also. Gonna get Biff to love Jared any day now.
  12. This Ty France play, though, is worth a click: https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2021/2021-08/13/c8ebeed5-07aa9837-b77d6cf3-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4 And I do like how pumped Kelenic gets:
  13. Brad Hand came in and walked Kelenic for a walk off win. Um, ok. If you watch the replay, it was 4 balls in a row, not even close. Well, thanks Blue Jays.
  14. Could stick her face in some dough and make gorilla cookies.
  15. Also, Mrs. I-Don't-Know-What's-In-It doesn't even know what's in all the food she's obviously been scarfing down. As if her knowing 'what's in it' would be something she could even comprehend. What's In It is a stay out of ICU free card you dummy.
  16. Thanks for posting it. Again, if they don't trust medical science they should quit taking up valuable hospital space and resources.
  17. Indoor or outdoor? I'm supposed to see Primus here at an outdoor venue next week with my son. I'm guessing if we mask up it isn't the worst idea? But if it is, someone keep me from being stupid(er).
  18. Also, why are you praying to god now? If he/she/it was going to protect you from Covid why do you not trust your God enough to skip the ventilator and leave the ICU right now in the name of Jeebus?
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