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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. Everyone knows the best way to run women out of a room is to throw on some Rush. Since there is a lot of bitchassedness and not a lot of Women up in here, let me go ahead and celebrate all the pussy and throw up another band sure to run the girls off. Apologies to Nicole.
  2. Never claimed our defense is anything. But if you are going to use tallest pigmy logic by comparing to our wet toilet paper defense, you will get no argument from me. Our D sucks because our coaches have no ability to adjust. OU defense does not scare anyone, their rankings are propped up by playing shit offenses in the Big XII.
  3. Sure they get some depth, no different from anyone. But they can’t hold a lead. They have an Oregon, Texas Tech defense, based on the offense making them just good enough. Until that changes they are paper tigers.
  4. Florida beats Bama and Aggy is fucked, but I got a better chance of 100 dollar flying out of my ass💸
  5. If he knocks tOSU the fuck out of the playoffs I am not opposed to sending him a gift. Just means Urban will be here sooner.
  6. I dunno maybe click over to Big X championship, might change you mind about 3 star talent
  7. That wasn’t targeting I only saw three dicks spill out of baby stoops.
  8. I am shocked that all of those lectures from Hollywood activists did not stop everyone dead in their tracks.
  9. I’ll have you know that prestigious law firm of Luvham & Burnham said Briles was the scape goat. This hard hitting report was signed by a certified soulless sucubus. Where are Urban’s bonafide reports?
  10. I think you guys are wanting the wrong Kelly, the guy at UCLA is the one used to paying off Texas players.
  11. Karen O is killer, love all of her music. As the saying goes around here she fucks! Pretty big Zeppelin fan too. One of the many reasons I married the wifey is she jammed Houses of the Holy on first real date. My favorite album. That version of Immigrant song fits the N European bizarro fuck slasher to a T. While Karen O does not compare to R Plant chops, she brings a lot of sex appeal so it works for me.
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