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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. Beware the fucktwats with the pitchforks telling you to post somewhere else like that big fat aggy slag!
  2. Pinkerton's has a great bar, but the BBQ is the opposite of great.
  3. Says the dumb fuck who wants what he can’t have, throw your toys bitch.
  4. I said Art Briles way back and the fucktwats on here went for pitchforks. I do not see the difference between Art and Urban, bending rules and using future convicts to win. If you want war you bring in the motherfuckers, if you want to dance around and act all hi and mighty bring in the MENSAs, can’t have it both ways.
  5. Or maybe it was all bullshit from the get go.
  6. Looks heavy, but you got to ask yourself, do you feel lucky? Well do ya?
  7. So close, hope it haunts their dreams.
  8. And here I thought dog fighting was the leading animal combat sport, not in Carolina...
  9. have not seen a blocked punt yet
  10. Mormon Dline not gonna get any of those future sister wives playing like that
  11. maybe it represents the inter-coastal ?
  12. Pretty sure the Storming Mormons would bend eggy over, and would take Florida. I'll reserve my view on CC after I have actually seen them play for more than a half.
  13. field goal, mouth breathers kinda soft on the cunts.
  14. You see that fucker get drilled in the head? This may be the greatest game this year....
  15. I usually am a proponent of separation between Church and Football, but this year, fuck it , I am rooting for ND and the Storming Mormons. BYU going to grind these beach rats into the ocean, and ND is going to wipe their ass with Trevor's golden locks.
  16. Would Love to see the Storming Mormons play any team 10-5 and watch them push their shit in. Elder Octopus
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