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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. Would Love to see the Storming Mormons play any team 10-5 and watch them push their shit in. Elder Octopus
  2. He wants agent money and to go out and party.
  3. You can tell because it is spelled correctly
  4. Thought those were the carts on drag that got popped for fencing. I liked the falafel in the carts in front of Littlefield fountain or whatever name they are calling it these days.
  5. Crop dust the room and spread the love
  6. Dropping the sure TD against LSU was pretty fucking memorable
  7. I will see your Killeen and raise you fLufkin
  8. You get green water during winter in Texas. Imo where the redneck riviera excels is the white fluffy sand. Yeah the rock shrimp are killer and the florabama slurpees are ridiculously potent, I can get better inTexas. But that sand, is like fracing glass for my soul.
  9. Are you a Ding-Dong Daddy from Dumas?
  10. Cannes kinda sucks as a beach except for the boobs, but seen way better on Texas beaches.
  11. Grew up in Pasadena, it was the Champion Paper Mill. I went to HS right across the freeway.
  12. Is your smoke better than the corporate grow houses too?
  13. You mean they all went out and got layed.
  14. LHB will only do it they can play Seven Nation Army...
  15. Why offer less? Fuck it, let’s flex.
  16. Not exactly chess, but Capablanca said the only reason you ever lose is because you disrespect your opponent by making incorrect moves. Mensa is more of a checkers than chess guy, despite his trappings. Time to GTFO Tom.
  17. Your vagina is a bit sandy, go clean your crevasses. No, Meyer is not the better option, as he is an outsider to this region, and frankly he is as big a scumbag as Briles. So all things equal, fuck you. Pretty sure Briles would do exactly what Urban would do in paying off players and has a history of turning his head to criminal activity. Yeah Urban won championships, lot of them, and has been run out for being a scumbag shortly there after. Switzer won as well.
  18. If you guys want to ignore what happened at Florida with Urban and are all about winning, then no name should be off the table. Go ahead and send a jet for Briles. My first choice would be B Harsin. When he gets pummeled by BYU this weekend, I think he will be ready to come back to the 40 Acres.
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