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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. It started with the let’s pay the player horse shit. I am not blaming this weak minded brand of football on their marxist bullshit, I blame their coach. He is too busy embracing social feel goods to teach basic blocking and discipline. 4th and 2 false starts and twat infested procedural calls are the only systematic problems this team has. Has nothing to do with their lack of respect for the people who overcame racism before them. It has everything to do with coaches not instilling discipline and pride in their game. As for the kill the Eyes of Texas and redonk-covid don’t-let-em-play crowd, that litter this board, I give you all a hardy fuck you just like I do the “pay the players” set. All of that bullshit, all of it, has nothing to do with football, and as I said before you can all eat a bag of dicks. I have my own ridiculous demands, it starts with a line that can make a hole big enough for a 4 40 guy to run 3 yards on call, and ends with if you can’t win at Texas gtfo.. all the other virtue signaling crap, save it.
  2. Harsin is the answer. If you guys are ready to sell your soul for Urban, I say we bring in A Briles, who knows how to dirty himself with the best of them, and certainly knows how to win.
  3. Well if it testosterone and coke, then hire Briles. We can run a campaign for giving scholarships and voting rights to felons at the same time.
  4. Either he wins the Big XII or GTFO. In light of his track record I am thinking he should GTFO. I would offer Bryan Harsin the job. I believe he has won a lot more games than Mensa and coaches a more appropriate offense for the Big XII. With his resume, he will likely be more aggressive w poaching top coaches. Maybe he can teach his rbs not to reach for the fucking end zone going in and for his gotdamned lines to stay in legal mother fucking formations and have more explosive plays than penalties.
  5. A couple of prayers, I think our line needs divine intervention.
  6. From the 16th floor of the Skyfort in Htown. Texas
  7. How does it compare to the Dixie Cafe? Less klanny?
  8. Is misunderstood, needs more orange slices
  9. Oh you are finished?! Well allow me to retort I have learned a few things this week, that even on Surly, a bastion of dumbfuckery, sport and comedy, that systematic racism does actually exists. Wiith the recent revelation that 2+2=4 is a blatant attempt at heirarchical racism. I, a person of color, am now expected to pass a math test on Surly? One that contains tricky percentages, which clearly is an attempt at silencing me, and smacks of institutional racism. All for the simple task of telling you guys to stop being such pussies. College Football games, Texas in particular, are my form of reparations and I takes what I want. As a proud person of color, and a first generation Cuban-American Latino , I reject your attempt at keeping me on the plantain. Isn’t it enough that your President, Barack, put my brothers in cages, and invaded this bastion of purity with imperial cruise ships? With apologies to my strong sisters, who everyone knows are the key to winning all elections, I must again apologize in advance when I say that all you dripping hatchet wounds who want to clutch your pearls and feign concern over the well-being of players can all eat a giant bag of dicks. You can’t be lining up to blow Hudson Card and Bijan on one post, where they are, according to you dip-shits, placing their lives at risk because of Covid, and then act like this Guajiro/Campesino/Bumpkin is a monster for pointing out that less than 1% means cock when it comes to risk taking. Because of this I am going to have to ask BLM draft me a letter with the following demands: That a patronage fund is set up for this Cubana and Vida Guerra, maybe even a few tasteful statues to be proudly displayed on the West mall. That any song from the Buena Vista Social Club (I vote Chan Chan) replace that racist railroad song, Wabash Cannonball, only to be performed by the LHB, with some Cuban scholarships so you can get some gitdamn rhythm and flare. Clearly, Wabash Cannonball is an homage to your slaver/imperialist foundations. Finally, that Surly replace all explicitly racist handles, starting with the Grand Wizard, Beau Vine with Cuban baseball players names. I think Jose Canseco fits you well Beauregard. If my demands are not met, I will have to boycott all fund raiser and alumni facing events until some meaningful change is made around here. I know that Tom Herman has my back, because he grew up in a single parent household. This is a learning moment, and I hope you all can join the movement. In closing, Power To The People
  10. Yeah I fucked up, I’ll own it, but my point is not any less valid. Cherry pick whatever numbers makes the panic porn juicier, I have a better chance of just about anything .
  11. Two zeroes. Does not make your argument very compelling.
  12. I divided by 330 mm. potatoes patatoes, I’ll go with your number genius.
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