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Posts posted by thrillhammer

  1. 3 hours ago, In10se said:

    Melania just turned 48 and has all the unnatural plastic appearance of a 65 yr old with way too much surgery. 

    Ironically embodies the modern American female egoist. Pure vanity above all else. 

    maybe so but i agree with the poster that said she's the hottest first lady in our history.  of ever.  wish she was more confident and took more action (in other words, got more camera time).  she's either shy, or she's got something to hide and doesn't want the focus.

    • Like 1
  2. the only problem i have with des going home is it re-emphasizes the keep a low profile mode.  if she had kept her mouth shut there was no way she was going home for another 4-5 votes.  she was quiet, zero threat, well liked.  i hate that the moral is when you attempt a big move you put the target on your back.  at some point the girls are going to have to get together and take out dom, michael, and wendell.  those are the three leaders and clearly most deserving of the win to date.  none of the girls can win the jury vote as long as one of those three is still in.

  3. machinator, you are clearly forgetting akers TEAM me slogan, and to is the rest of the team, and possibly the entire generation.   you could have just written "selfish" next to every player you listed and it would have been a much shorter post. every single player you listed you could put themselves above the team.  to say "i dont think there was any practical reason for him to return" is aggravating.  wins are not practical?  longhorn pride is not practical?  think how good we would have been next year with all these guys on the field.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    There are three ingredients to a high draft pick. Skill, Hype, Winning Team.

    that's not really true though.  there are kids from utsa drafted higher than ours.  they have neither hype nor winning team.  i would add two other ingredients.  physical health and mental health.  connor's downfall was the first one.  some kids just seem flaky and not focused on their team so don't seem like viable assets to the league, and get passed over that way.



  5. I'm going first week of June.  Looked at the predicted weather last week and was surprised at how cool it will be.  Highs were low 70's, low's in the low 50's.  I think I even saw a 46 or 49 in there.  

  6. way too soon to tell.  i would say that the chance trump decides to run again is only hovering around 70%.  he could pack it in.  that would be something.

    for the dems, there are a lot of strong, charismatic candidates, all the ones mentioned plus warren but i'm pretty sure she's not running.  biden and bernie are old, but not any older than trump, so i'd support them.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    You like Hillary, you think she's ok I see her for what she was a corrupt, criminal who would do anything  to get anything she wanted. Well she didn't get the presidency and we're better off for it.  Sometimes you need a bitter pill to get better and Trump might be the bitter pill, so that others think ng they can do what Hillary tried to do will think twice.

    What I find really pathetic is everyone here has friends who voted differently than they did, but it's here on an anonymous web site you have the (alleged) balls to call people a POS because they don't share your political point of view.  

    well see, that's the problem.  you seeing her for "what she was, a corrupt, criminal" is wrong.  you're on shiftless ground already.  that's just like you're opinion, man.  there is no more proof that she is corrupt or a criminal than there is that trump is a corrupt criminal.  you're getting yourself all red in the face that the earth is flat and it will never be proven to be flat.  give it up.  it's been over a year now.   

    you're a good poster and i hate to see you go down in flames. you have sane, eloquent responses and insight on every other board and thread, but when it comes to hillary you completely lose your shit.  for the record, i don't think you're a pos and i've never negged you.  but you really need to get over this hillary vitriol.  it's to the point where you might need professional counseling.  what is at the root of this?  did she reject you in college?  did she tell you you had a little peepee?  let it go.  


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  8. yeah, but she wouldn't have reopened the import of elephant skins and tusks.  she wouldn't have put coal execs on environmental boards, she wouldn't be rolling back regulations that protect our drinking water and clean air.   we can argue this back and forth all day.  the bottomline is this has been the worst presidency in 150 years, the recent elections are showing it, the number of people that have left his staff reflect it, as does the massive number of republican congress members that have decided to not run again.   the ones that stick it out have done it with immense humility.  he's made fun of their wives, insulted their dad's, teased, bullied, etc.  it's a miracle anyone in his party is still working with him.

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  9. look, all i'm saying is it's way too early to be calling him the next babe ruth.  he's a great hitter, has a pure, powerful stroke, but he is not looking like a great pitcher. he's had 4 starts, gone 20 innings total, given up 3 hr's, has a 4.43 era.  he can throw hard, and has great SO/walk ratio.  a lot of those stats are what you look for in a reliever.  i'm sure there is absolutely no one in the clubhouse thinking about moving him there.  he's young and still learning, but if he can't go deeper into games then what you have is a pitcher who's secret of his success depends on the hitters not seeing him the second and third time around.  

  10. 21 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oooh more neg rep from little babies who's hero is called out.  

    just when you got into the green too.  poor sisyphus.

    just like trump is likely not your hero (how deplorable would you have to be?), you can support and vote for a person without them being your hero.  it's this posters opinion, and keeps getting stronger every day of this administration, that our country would be better off had hillary won.  


  11. pruitt is my archenemy.  i despise him more than trump.  he is the worst of the cabinet and it's a shitshow of a cabinet.  he is day by day ruining this country, making america worse again.  he is doing serious damage to the environment and our public lands.

    • Like 4
  12. I actually like weddings.  It feels good to drink in nice clothes.  And I'm also a big fan of cake and coffee.  I remember one in particular at the Barr mansion where I spent 15-20 min out of each hour out in the car listening to the game on the radio.  40-45 min of champagne and open bar.  Even though you may know the outcome I still like to watch every play the next day, to see who did well, who didn't etc. They make these things called dvr's.   You should check into them.

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  13. velocity ain't everything.  his era is around 4.55 now and getting higher.  he is also not going many innings in his last couple of starts.  bullpen is calling his name.

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