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Posts posted by thrillhammer

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Not impeaching a dangerous lunatic makes us look stupid.

    well now that's a different thing.  that has nothing to do with russia, collusion, or election fraud.  the childish way he was handling north korea was reckless and could have gotten us in deep shit.  easily.  it was badgering, bullying, saber-rattling.  but, a year later north korea and south korea is meeting for the first time in ages.  he might as well take credit for that since it's on his watch.  

    a dangerous lunatic does deserve impeachment, but as close as he's come, closer than any president in modern history, he hasn't crossed that line yet.  nikki is doing her best. she at least is taking her job seriously, more than i can say for anyone else in his administration.  she might be the only one that hasn't ordered a million dollars of taxpayer money on furniture and personal shit. like cat toys.  

  2. and the american people.  we don't want our presidents impeached.  it makes us look stupid.  

    besides that, from a democrat's standpoint, pence would be a much more damaging president.  he's quieter, doesn't tweet, and has more class, but he's also ignorant.  he believes a 10 commandments sign in front of every school is the solution to the school shooting problem.  he is a thousand times more conservative than trump.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Ollie Slatt said:

    Green Spot and Yellow spot are so very good.  A bit pricey for their age, but really good. 

    Knappogue Castle is decent and not too expensive.  


    yeah, i just looked it up.  looks like specs and total wine have them but they are more than i was expecting and hoping.  $55 for green, and $85 for yellow.  

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Regardless of collusion, Trump as president has displayed ZERO willingness to confront the Russian interference or try to prevent future attacks.  He has repeatedly openly displayed no interest in defending American democracy.

    That’s treacherous AF.  It’s sad and pathetic how republicans choose not to acknowledge these observable facts.

    He knew the Russians were interfering in the election during the campaign. He was specifically informed by the intelligence community and the numerous media reports. Yet despite this, he protected Russia and even asked for their help, in public. 

    I don’t care if that’s illegal or not, it’s fucking wrong and about as anti-American as it gets.


    100% agree.  he has dragged his heels bigtime,  almost in a criminal way, to accuse, acknowledge, take a firm stance, make a strong statement about russia, what they did, and how we will react if they continue.  in short, he's acted like putin's cuckhold.  this shit will happen again in 2020.  two years later we are no closer to a solution, and that's mainly due to the fact that those in charge don't acknowledge there is even a problem.

  5. i dont believe trump colluded with the russians, and i'm as democrat as they come.  i also don't want to see him impeached.  as embarrassing as he is, that would be an even bigger embarrassment for our country.  

    what looked funny is that, before the election, at a time when everyone close to him says he didn't think he was going to win or even have much of a chance of being elected president, he was meeting with russians, his son was meeting with russians, people on his staff (and potentially future staff) were meeting with russians.  to me, it didn't (and still doesn't) look like collusion, it looks like he, and the trump foundation, were trying to make money off this.  real estate ventures, hotels, etc.  he was using his position and power to benefit himself and profit.  low class, slimy, sleazy, but that's trump for you. nothing new there.

    the election tampering that the russians were doing, i dont think he was involved in.  that was started by some nerdy hackers in a dark basement (probably their mom's), and had nothing to do with trump.  supposedly we have direct evidence that putin was involved (sheltering, supporting, etc), but i just can't believe trump knew anything about it or had anything to do with it.


  6. the list is "iconic dishes" therefore, by definition, uchi and launderette should be disqualified. it's not "iconic restaurants".  pick a fucking dish you lazy bastards, not the whole fucking menu.  there, now that i got that off my chest, home slice is not the correct choice for pizza.  agree with the op it should be conan's.  milto's and brick oven above home slice.

    i like the cfs addition.  threadgills maybe?

    as for burgers, give me hopfield's any day.  


  7. 3 hours ago, UTCzech III said:

    I was watching with the closed caption on again, and during the questioning scene the captions were blocking out the "actual" captions on the screen.  I got most of it, but I missed the line where Lady Silence says something like "you know how to end this and .......".  I'll go back and watch later with captions off but was wondering if anyone could fill me in, thx.

    i'd forgotten she said that.  it does seem like he knows more than he lets on, like he's holding something back.  maybe a sobriety will make him a more effective captain.

  8. all season, they've made this tuunbaq into some kind of mythological monster.  turns out it just looks like a polar bear.  the thing is, it hasn't been behaving like a polar bear.  it's been doing some supernatural feats.  i'm wondering if the men aren't suffering from lead poisoning and going cuckoo.  either that or it's cabin fever ala jack nicholson in the shining.  sailors be going nuts yo.

  9. 3 of your 6 are pletcher horses.   throw in noble indy, and he's got a better shot than anyone.  i'm going to have to wait for jockey and post assignments but my list most likely won't differ much from yours.

  10. it's a shame they aren't more diplomatic with lady silence.  she is their best hope at survival.  i don't see how the crew stays so calm.  goes to show you how stupid they were back then.  the crew is dropping like flies (at what should be an alarming rate), there's a monster polar bear wreaking havoc, the captain is dead, the new captain is in detox, their food is tainted, ice is squeezing and about to shatter the hull of one of the ships, it's -50.  Oh, and they are down to two bottles of whiskey.   They need to find a land route and get the fuck out of there.

  11. Zero Tolerance is one of my favorite knives.  Nothing fancy to look at, but feels good in your hand, has heft, feels like quality, and made in America. I have a Les George model, made with S35VN.  

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