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Posts posted by thrillhammer

  1. On 4/8/2018 at 7:52 AM, sidis said:

    You said one important thing in your post...that google is highly intertwined with intelligence agencies. That is true and known for most of this decade at this point. Use google at your own risk  

    The exemplar you use, of course, is silly and disingenuous. There’s a reason that screen cap cuts everything off after the top...since the very next thing after what you’ve shown is an a version of the pledge that contains all the 1954 updates to the pledge including “under god.” Why are you needlessly censoring the result page to fit your narrative? Do you. Or want people to be informed? Or do you just wish it was not the case that for most of this country’s history, the pledge did not include “under god.”

    like ive said many times, if American white Christians ever had to face actual discrimination...say the type they have burdened others with...it would truly be something. 

    i thought the part about the testicles was pretty important too.

    but seriously folks, "use google at your own risk".  dude, get real.  use the internet at your own risk.  use your cell phone at your own risk.  there is no point in demonizing one site over another, not youtube, google, facebook, etc.   it's the nature of the business, and the business that trumps all others is national security.  

  2. 13 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

    I'm in need of a 4 person tent... something that will easily fit the Cabela's cot I have.  Obv. this rig will be for car camping, not backpacking, so I can afford to ask for stand up height which will add to the weight.  A vestibule  or awning is a nice feature but not a requirement.  Probably a 3 season, no need for an Everest rated rig.

    Any product suggestions?  I'm kinda wanting to avoid the Wal Mart / Target brands & get something that will go the distance for a few years.  I've seam-sealed the 8 or 9 year old Eureka! that I used all through our Cub Scouting years, but it's just not working any longer (the seam tape from the tent floor + the fly are coming apart).

    Before long, I'll also be looking for a good long haul day-pack vs. a full on internal frame packer.


    Thoughts?  Ideas?  Suggestions?

    PS:  My dog just let out a horrific fart.

    kelty acadia 4

    eureka midori 4

    north face talus 4

  3. Went to Back Pew in Houston on Saturday.  Had a great time.  They had a helluva selection on tap that day, more than 20 I would guess.   The 4-5 I had were all pretty decent.  They had some funky ones though that were quirky and interesting but would not be able to finish a six pack of.  One with rye, one with rice, a bourbon barrel stout with coconut cream pie.  That last one was way too sweet for my tastes.

  4. okay, so stalin's russia and armenia.  do you really think the united states government is comparable to this?  if so they are coming for your hershey's kisses also.  watch out!

    bans are not confiscations.  these are two entirely, completely, totally separate things.  we can ban future sales, and grandfather what's already owned.  that's the way all new laws/regulations work.  when they banned ivory sales they didn't bust down your door and confiscate all your ivory.  now maybe stalin would have, or armenia, but we don't do that here.  jesus.   

  5. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    What this means is that gun lovers need to get serious about the possibility of nabobs banning and confiscating guns and making serious proposals to curtail some of the dangers guns present.  I have made one.

    it must really suck to be you.  this is such a terrible, sheltered, paranoid, ignorant way to live.   

    has there ever been a movie made about a government confiscating guns? a book written?  it's not even in anyone's imagination except the extreme rightwing.   i wonder if overeaters have the same paranoia, that the government will one day come and confiscate their hershey's kisses.  seriously dude, there is some ocd involved here. i wish you recognized it.  has there even been a government that confiscated guns in any society ever, in the history of man?

    best of luck to you sir.

  6. i'm planning a road trip and have it going through moab but was not planning on stopping anywhere in utah.  you can drive straight through utah in 7 hrs, and when you have to make a lot of tracks to minimize vacation days, some things got to get passed up.   i have been to bryce and zion and they are beautiful parks but not needing to go again.  i might do capitol reef on the way back, but not sure yet.

  7. i am surprised at the fuck blue bell crowd.  does not compute.  bacteria is everywhere.  foodborne pathogens are everywhere.  you can get them from the best restaurants, from any foods in the grocery - canned, frozen, or fresh.  stop cowering in fear.  if you're paranoid then starve yourself.  for me, i'm having ice cream.

    but back to the subject, it would have been better if blue bell had used reese's cups, like ben and jerry's does.  i'm not a cookie dough fan, but still will be giving this a shot asap.


  8. i like how you have to read 4 of bones posts before you get a complete paragraph.  

    i like the smokiness of mezcal, and have a decent bottle at home but cant recall the brand now.  mezcal does not make great margaritas. its for sipping straight.  in my opinion, gold and reposados don't make great margaritas either. i prefer blanco or silver for that, but maybe i'm alone there.  

    that are the surly thoughts on sotol?  i have not tried desert door yet but plan to.  i have tried the first one (maybe 10 yrs ago; clear, thin, handblown bottle; cant recall the name), and it was a nice compromise of mezcal and tequila.



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  9. dude, it's way too early in the morning for that much math, but i do appreciate you spinning it in a different light.  when you break it down to the price per cup it does seem worth it.  on a side note, who the fuck is drinking three pots of coffee a day?  

  10. 13 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    She never cited a reason for leaving.  "Homesick" was pure speculation.

    I don't think "their differences" could be resolved.  It is entirely possible that she saw the potential shitshow that our back row may be without Cat McCoy (it was bad enough with her), and the steps taken to address it, or lack thereof, and said vaya con dios.

    The only thing Elliott could have done (and he should do this anyway) is get serious about DS talent and development.

    And yeah, I guess he could have sat her last year, but she never would have signed up for that in the first place.

    in everything i read, "homesick" was the reason.  i'm not going to dig back and read the articles again to see if those were direct quotes or not but my memory is that it was.

    i didnt mean for elliott to redshirt her, what i was asking was isnt it in his authority to grant her release?  couldnt he have forced her to sit out a year at nebraska or wherever she transferred to?  seems like that would have been a strong negotiating tactic.  too many times we are sporting and when someone transfers we pat them on the back and say best of luck to the youngster.   fuck that in this case.  this was a slap in the face.  a straight up betrayal, and for purely selfish reasons. i don't believe we should reward selfishness.  homesickness, well that's something worthy of support.  sitting on the bench, sure we can all understand that.  but this was flatout selfishness.  this program could get her everywhere she wanted to go.  she will be an all american at nu, but she would have been one here.   she was the best freshman in volleyball last year, she'll be the best sophomore in volleyball this year, but she would have been that here too.   shook looked extremely unhappy yesterday, compared to last season. lexi betrayed her team, her coach, and the fans.

  11. that was ugly, but at least we're better than atm.  too many missed serves, no one that can dig on the back row, terrible setting, mishits, too much miscommunication and lack of knowledge of the other players tendencies.  

  12. 1 hour ago, Pods said:

    We will respond in a cycle of ever-increasing tariffs now, because Trump will be unable to let go and in his mind, this is now China's fault for responding to our "justified" tariffs. 

    sure, just like it's amazons fault the postal service is losing money.  he's the teflon don.  nothing sticks.  he's not accountable for anything, not responsible for anything, not to blame for anything.  best president ever, with the highest ratings, and the largest inauguration attendance.  just ask him.  he wouldn't lie to us, would he?

  13. 20 hours ago, DaysOff said:

    But she's home sick

    this point has been way too overlooked on this thread.  her excuse is pure bs.  i'm very disappointed in lexi and elliott for letting this happen.  their differences should have been resolved.  didn't he have the choice to make her sit out a year? this whole thing sucks shit through a straw.

  14. not a huge bill hader fan (it's like he tries too hard to use his facial expressions to overcompensate for his lack of acting chomps), but i'm still in.  there's a love interest to keep it going, the chechen's are hilarious, and you got henry winkler and stephen root for interest and respect.

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