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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 2 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    I do hate Okie States stadium.   There should be some standard set by the  NCAA about how close the stands can be to the actual playing area.  I guess it will take Okie State losing a Barry Sanders like player with him  getting clocked and losing him for a season or forever  by their own nonsense for them to change it?

    Considering our stadium has allways been that way and (to my knowledge) no such injuries have happened, I think it's nothing to worry about. OU has about the same set up at their staduim, but I don't expect you to know that, as you don't play there.

  2. I'm hovering around 265 now, down 30 lbs from when I started in April. 15 lbs left to meet my goal. I almost can't believe I made it this far. I've done this twice before, always caved in. I think it's gonna work this time. Once I hit 250, I'm resetting my goal to 230, that's where I was when I met my wife. It's gonna be great.

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  3. On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 9:47 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    My sort of similar story:  my family took a vacation to upstate NY when I was a young teenager.  For some reason, we ended up wandering around in a cemetery, maybe in Rochester?  Anyway, my sister yelled for me to come over, and she pointed at a headstone:  it was for someone with my exact name, born exactly 100 years (to the day) prior to my birthdate, and who died exactly 100 years prior to that day we were there.


    My wife and I went to DC on our honeymoon in 2009. As we were walking through Arlington Cemetery, I happened to look to my left and saw my own name on a headstone. Talk about eerie, to find my not-overly-common name on one headstone out of the thousands in that place. The guy won the Medal of Honor, too. Died in 1895. 

    We went back to DC this year for vacation. I purposely made it back to his grave to say hello.

    • Like 1
  4. My wife, daughter and I were discussing my daughter's job and how they aren't doing well and might be closing up shop. My wife says "They don't have the gumshoe for business, I guess". Haven't laughed that hard in a while. When I corrected her, she said she thought "gumshoe" didn't sound right and she thinks she heard it on that old Carmen San Diego kid show.

    • Like 5
  5. 7 hours ago, Wiler77 said:

    Had a flashback this morning to something that happened over the summer on vacation.  We were walking down the street in Crested Butte after eating lunch.

    Wife: Where are my sunglasses?  I can't find my sunglasses!

    Me: Well we haven't gone far, so they may be at the restaurant.

    Wife: No, I know I had them.  They're not here!  Not in my purse, not in the stroller!

    Me: You're not talking about the sunglasses you're wearing right now, right? (kinda smile thinking I'm going to get a glare for my tone.  She'll sometimes carry 2 pairs of sunglasses--one stylish and one for exercise--and I thought obviously she wasn't talking about the ones on her head)

    Wife pulls them off, says "yea, that's them", and keeps walking as if nothing happened.  She didn't have them on top of her head.  She was actively wearing them to protect her eyes from the sun.  Thank God some random dude witnessed the whole thing so he could laugh at her with me.

    My 7 year-old son did the same thing with his watch this morning.  He was frantically looking for it, only to find it on his wrist 2 minutes later.

    My wife will wander around the house, looking for her phone that she's been holding in her hand the entire time.

  6. My wife is a complete drama queen, especially when it comes to her job. I'm constantly getting texts like "I just want to crawl in a hole and cry right now" or "I'm trying SO HARD not to cry" and it's about dumb shit that no sane human would cry about. I finally got tired of it and told her to get a new job. She then says her job isn't so bad. JFC.

  7. 6 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Was hoping that ended with neighbor shooting the dog, at the very least. 

    Ex-BIL said the neighbor hated him and the dog, threatened to shoot the dog on more than one occasion. So either he was a smooth talker or a smooth cocksucker, because the dog eventually died of old age. 

  8. 2 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    Some folks use them as catch dogs for hog hunting, but that is more of a legitimate purpose than just having them as pets.

    CSB: My ex-brother in law used to breed pits for hog hunting, sold a lot of them, too. His favorite male used to go over to his neighbor's property and fuck with the cows. He'd latch onto their snouts/necks and the cows would try like hell to fling him off, neighbor hated him (rightly so). He lost almost all of his teeth doing this and catching hogs, they just loosened over time and fell out. They had to soak his food in water so he could eat. 


  9. 9 hours ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    1. Email all the dealerships in the area with a throw-away e-mail address. I usually e-mail Austin and San Antonio ones. Throw in Houston or Dallas if you're willing to drive that far.

    2. Tell them exactly what you want and ask them for their best price. Some will ask you to come in and take a test drive, but most will give you a direct answer.

    3. Take the two lowest offers and play them off of each other.

    I tried this approach recently and every dealer I dealt with told me to pound sand. "The price listed on our website is what we have to get." I told them I wanted to buy a truck TODAY, they didn't give a fuck, they refused to negotiate. I think too many people use this approach and then bail on them without coming in at all.

  10. Wife and I are leaving for vacation on friday, it's been planned since April. I told my wife that maybe we could share my suitcase, as I'm packing mostly shorts and t-shirts. She didn't think we could get everything in one suitcase and said we might have to pack seperately. No big deal, I get the blue suitcase I used for every one of our vacations and start to see what I can get in there. I ask her why she didn't get her suitcase, she tells me we only have this one. Sometime in the last 2-3 years, she sold her suitcase in a garage sale because it was "broke". I asked what was broken, I got no answer. She had just assumed that she was going to use the one suitcase. When I asked her what she thought I'd be using, other than the same blue case I've used for the last 10 years, she had no idea.

    Guess who gets to go suitcase shopping tonight??? Fuck.

  11. 18 minutes ago, B00M said:

    5 minutes here. They're 9 months old, so i can vouch for the 2nd sentence... fuck... i mean, congrats Bogey!! 

    You're still in the shitty stage. Once they get to 3 or 4 years old, it gets much better.  Mine are almost 17 (no pics) and I'm pretty much on cruise control. Weed and dicks are my main threats at this point.

  12. Weighed in at 269.6 this morning. It's been a couple of years since I've broke 270. Down 25 lbs since April. My short term goal was to reach 275 by 9-21, as that's the day we leave for vacation. I hit that about 10-14 days ago, so I changed my goal to 270. Feels good. Long term goal is 250 and once we get there, I'm just gonna keep slowly creeping down (hopefully). 225 would be fantastic.

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  13. On ‎9‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 10:20 AM, Wally Pryor said:

    That ESPN ticker / score update just got shittier.   It will flash "Score Update" and you don't even know what the hell the update is and which team scored.  Just shows the god damned score. 

    And it pops up a yellow box!  My team scored a TD but I though it was getting called back for a second, just from some yellow box popping up as he crossed the goal line. Fuck ESPN.

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