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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. The first time I heard someone use the N word was 1986. We had just came back to the states after 6 years in Germany, I was about to turn 13. We were at my mom's parent's house, just outside of Denver. I was catching up on the shows I used to watch before we went overseas, like Good Times and What's Happening. It was great! Then my grandfather (whom I didn't know well, only met him 5 or 6 times total in my life) said "Ok, that's enough of those N___ shows." He didn't say it in a mean way, pretty matter-of-factly, really. My mom looked like she'd seen a ghost and admonished him for it. He quickly apologized.

    My dad is from southern Indiana, which can be pretty racist. Mom was from Iowa, Her folks moved to Colorado in the 60s. Neither of my parents used that word around me when I was growing up. Dad would let it slip out sometimes when I was an adult and we were back in Indiana and around his brothers, who let it fly whenever. I grew up on military bases in the 70s and 80s with blacks, Asians, (not too many Hispanics) and we never had race problems. I never heard any of the old sayings like N___ knocking until we moved to Oklahoma in the late 80s.  Talk about culture shock.

  2. 4 hours ago, Homercles said:

    I’ll never forget Weedens TD against Colorado

    I was sitting in the west end zone for that one, it looked like he was throwing it to me. First I thought, what the hell is he doing? Then that fucking frozen rope drilled Blackmon right in the hands. 

  3. I test drove a 2019 Ram yesterday, it was nice. I'm really tempted, even though I usually go with a 2 year old used option. I've been waiting to see the sales to "get rid of the 2018s!" but it hasn't happened yet. 

  4. https://scumgame.com/en

    This game just dropped the other day. Survival/zombie horror game that is similar to DayZ (which I never played). I got it because my co-worker was talking about it and I figured it would be fun to kill time on it. I suck at these games, so not as fun to me as it is to others but it's ok.

    You have to tend to your health by eating, drinking, pissing, shitting. If you eat bad stuff, you get explosive shits, sometimes in the middle of a zombie battle. It's an early release, so not everything is finished.

  5. I've been on the diet roller coaster for 3 years now. I started at 295 (I'm 6'6", almost 45 yrs old, for the record), did a straight calorie restriction diet and counted everything. Got down to 250 and plateaued hard. Got really discouraged, gave up, went back to 295. Then I tried low carb, got down to 250 pretty quickly but my body just gave up. If I saw another piece of lettuce, I was gonna kill someone. So I gave up, went back to 295.

    April of this year, I decided to make changes but not put myself through a mental ringer. I just gave up sweets (hard!), cut back from overloading on carbs, drank more water and just stopped stuffing my face all the time. Boredom is a killer for me, I just jam chips or M&Ms down my gullet if I don't watch it. I also spaced out my goals. I knew I was going on vacation in late September, so goal #1 was to get to 275. I reached that this past weekend, so yay for me. My overall goal is to get to 250, which I think I can get to by April next year. Anything beyond that is a bonus and I'll gladly take it. 

  6. 21 hours ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    Speaking of old OSU stuff... saw this on Twitter and thought it was goddamn hilarious....



    csb/ When they tore out the turf in Lewis Field, they cut it up and sold it as doormats or coasters. I got a set of 4 coasters but I have no idea where I put them. /csb

  7. 18 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    A year later, he uses this phone for everything from watching Netflix and YouTube videos, to browsing news and weather sites, to doing his banking on the phone  porn.  So for Father's Day, I got him an iPad and started getting him books for it.  I gotta say; his use of technology has surprised me. No Facebook yet, and hopefully, never.  But mom more than makes up in that department.




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  8. 4 hours ago, Tommy Nobis said:

    probably be better off waiting a bit....wait til the '19's hit the lots and then buy a '18.

    You're probably right. I think the 19s will be out in October and I'm in no hurry. Thanks.

  9. I'm in the market to upgrade trucks. I'm looking at Lariats and the new ones start out at 45k here in Oklahoma. I'd like to get a slightly used one but the prices aren't much lower, plus the 18s have the new 10 speed transmission. I'm not sure the dealers will come down much from 45k, but I'll admit I'm not a master negotiator, either. I do OK but I'm not sure I could get much more from them. Am I naïve to think there's not much meat left on the bone at 45k? TrueCar has 44k or less as "exceptional", for example.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Whitman said:

    I would have and have done with my kids the exact same as you did.  It cannot be in my house as long as it is illegal and you shouldn't do it.  The only thing that I have added to what you told her was that as tolerant as I am  if I find they have/had weed, it is the exact opposite is with other drugs.  I have a zero tolerance with pills, cocaine, opioids, etc.  They know that I will reign down holy hell if I even suspect they would think about touching it.

    PS; How close to 18 is this daughter?

    She'll be 17 in 3 months. No pics, assholes! 🤬

  11. Long story but I found out my almost 17 year old kid has been partaking in the devil's lettuce. I went to her room to discuss something and the smell was strong. I got her to tearfully confess to having it in my house but she didn't smoke it here. In a somewhat funny twist, she stole it from her pothead mother (my ex) which made me laugh inside.

    Now, I'm a 100% teetotaler. The strongest thing I imbibe is diet Dr. Pepper. But I don't think MJ is the bane of western civilization like many people do. I look at it the same way I look at alcohol, I don't give a fuck but I'm not interested. I don't want it in my house, though. I told her to put it back where she got it and to never bring it to my house again. Yes, I realize she probably won't do that. The kid is a good student, has a job, all that good stuff. I don't want to say the truth (which is I'm not too concerned about it) because I don't want to seem like I condone this behavior. I explicitly told her that I don't approve of it and that it's not acceptable. She agreed to not do it anymore. I don't believe her but what can I do? I can't control her mother, who told them a couple of years ago that she "won't stop smoking pot but would try to cut back).

    As dumb as this may sound, I would've been more upset if she had been caught with a bottle of Evan Williams or Boone's Farm. Weed doesn't bother me as much as booze.

    So, should I be terrified that she's opened a gateway to hard drugs, or write it off as teenage experimentation?


  12. 11 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    that cliched video technique where a group of people are standing in a circle and the camera circles them (from the outside or in)....gives me a fucking headache

    How about every sports intro that has the subject looking at the ground, then slowly looking up into the camera. God, fuck that shit.

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