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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 46 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    And no doubt, the wife would turn that switch, thereby cutting off the essential bliss of the ceiling fan  

    I wised up quick, put some tape on the switch. Then I turned that room into the kids' playroom and avoided it all together.

  2. Just to piggyback on this thread:

    My daughter is a junior in HS, she's currently taking AP Spanish IV. She likes spanish and does well in the class. We were talking last night about college and she's unsure about what she wants to pursue as a career. She's intrigued about getting a spanish degree but isn't sure what sort of job opportunities there are for that degree (other than teaching spanish). We looked at some stuff on a college website but I thought I'd ask here as well.

    I thought it was funny to see Indiana listed as a good language school, as my dad is from Bloomington and she loves it up there. But we live in Oklahoma and she's pretty leery about moving away by herself. Her twin sister is pretty dead set on going to Oklahoma State for nursing school and I think she'll just go with her so she can avoid being alone.

  3. 3 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Back in the 90s a coworker named her kid Hunter. No biggy. But then she would go ballistic if you pronounced it Normal 'Merican Style, which is more like "Hunder" or "Hunner", nobody spits out that crisp "T" on this side of the Atlantic.

    She would. "Hun-TER! It's Hun-TER," with a little faux-British accent.

    Bet Hun-TER got his ass whooped, a lot.

    My ex-sister in law had a son, they decided on Hunter for the name. Their last name also started with an H, so I tried like hell to talk her into giving him a middle name that started with H, so we could call him Triple H. She decided to give him her maiden name as his middle name, like he was an 18th century politician. What a fucking waste. 

  4. 5 hours ago, 'stache said:

    We were 10-6 (.625) before Gundy.  Pretty small sample size because we made only a handful of appearances between the 40's and 2000s, but we've done pretty good when we get there.  Bowl record is such a dumb statistic though because it really has no bearing on how good your program is, especially by today's standard where 6-6 gets you into some no-name corporate sponsor bowl.  A team with a .500 bowl record consisting of several BCS/NY6 bowls is doing better than a program with a .750 bowl record consisting mostly of Fart of Dallas and Beef o' Brady bowls. 

    Shut up, dude! We beat Bama in '06!!  BAMA!!

  5. 5 hours ago, TrashMaster G said:

    I see a few in my office that routinely carry in 4 bags.  One with laptop/work stuff, one purse (i.e. Black Hole of Calcutta), one lunch/snack bag and one bag with workout clothes.


    You mean "walk around with a bottle of water in one hand while talking on the phone" clothes, right?

    • Haha 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    You live 1.1 miles from your MIL?  Poor bastard.

    I can't complain, my MIL is great. Minds her own business, doesn't try to tell me how to run my household, keeps my wife busy. Also available if I need anyone to handle something at my house when we aren't home, like pick up the mail or meet a delivery guy. Win-win IMO.

  7. 1 hour ago, Macanudo said:

    There are at least 5 women on my floor who come in everyday talking on their cellphone to someone else.   One of them then proceeds to go sit in the break room for 15-20 minutes EVERY morning to continue talking.   After several months of this, I asked her who she was talking to every day.  Her mom.  

    She then tells me that they talk every morning on her drive in (at least 45 minutes according to her), plus the 15 minutes after she gets to work and then she calls her mom again on the drive home.   She admitted that on the weekend she probably talks to her for another 2-3 hours a day.  WTF?    15+ hours a week talking to the same person on the phone?  And her mom lives here in Houston.   Like 10 minutes away from her.   They see each other all the time.   I about lost my shit when she told me that they go shopping pretty much once a weekend and spend 5-6 hours together and then when she drops her off at home, one of them calls the other.  And this woman has 2 kids (one in grade school, the other in middles school.)   She's married too.   It's not like she doesn't have a shit ton of other stuff to do as a mom/wife.    Her husband is either the biggest weenie in the world or he's just glad she's not talking to him.

    I don't think I talk to any one person in my family for more than 2 hours the whole week unless we're on vacation or something.

    My wife is almost exactly like this. She calls her mom every day on her drive home, yes I'm glad it's not me. She goes to her house for sunday lunch every week. We live 1.1 miles away, so she sees her all the time.

    I'm not complaining, though. We don't have little kids at home and I get extra free time to watch football or beat off do whatever.


  8. I just watched this over the weekend and loved it. The GoG scenes were hilarious and I liked how they intereacted with Thor. I've never liked the Thor films, I watched the 1st one and skipped the rest. After this latest Avengers film, I went back to watch Thor 3 and it was fantastic as well. I was really losing interest in the marvel films but I almost feel invigorated about them now.

  9. On 7/24/2018 at 10:45 PM, austingirl said:

    Edgar has always been a really heavy chewer - took us forever to find toys he wouldn't tear up in a few minutes and that didn't give him tummy issues like those roasted bones. These water buffalo horns are his favorite toy now. They last forever -months- even though he chews on them all the time. I've even caught him sleeping on them like pillows.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    My little boston terrier jackasses were chewing on just about anything, so I bought a 2 pack of these horns on amazon. They fucking love them. It really does hold their attention. Unfortunately, it hurts like hell when you step on or kick one. Fuck.

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  10. The problem with an independent mechanic is their availability. There's a shop down the street from me, great reputation but when I called to have my daughter's car checked out, he couldn't see it for a week. I'm not letting her drive around with a CEL for a week. The dealership got it done in 2 business days. I can't even say I paid more because the independent guy couldn't quote me a price without seeing it, and he couldn't look at it for a week.

  11. Taking the wife & mother in law (yes, I know) to DC in late September. I'm curious about the weather. Living in Oklahoma (much like Texas), I'm used to wearing shorts until late October or later. I checked a few weather sites, they call for highs in the upper 70s, lows in the low 50s. The last time I went, it was late May and I didn't need anything but shorts. I'm packing pants, just in case, but what about a jacket? I don't want to pack things I won't need.

  12. Took my wife to a local pizza place. The pie comes out, it's really cheesy. As I'm using the pie-server utensil to get my piece, huge strands of cheese are stretching out. Wife decides to grab those strings of cheese and try to break them, but all she does is yank my slice off the utensil and it goes splat, face down on my plate. Got toppings all on my side of the table. "I thought it would break easier.". I mean, really? I had to sit in front of the debris, looking like it was my first time to eat out or something. I hate making a mess at a restaurant.

  13. Whenever I touch an ice cream container, my hands get sticky as fuck. And I don't mean when I open the container, I mean any time I touch it. Like when moving it to another side of the freezer when I need to put in a bigger item. 

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