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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. He slept him so bad it made him look like Flip Wilson.
  2. If coach prime can get the players, he can win big. He is already good enough as a coach and will only get better. Jimbo Fisher Ed Orgeron Barry Switzer Lou Holtz Larry Koker Howard Shnellenberger ...all agree.
  3. So far Texas has only had one "easy" game out of four, and even that one was painful to watch in the 4th qtr. Rice was almost easy but more difficult than it should have been. For Kansas, I would expect a comfortable win preceded by some general uneasiness getting there from one form or another in the following list: Ewers int. He has been good, but he has had some balls that should have been picked straight up. Stone hands by receivers rearing up. If that happens, possible opportunities for a pic which have been luckily avoided thus far. Defense of deep ball which has been seen in 2 of 4 games. Special teams. Burt has made some tough ones and missed a couple of easy ones. Coverage has been good. Muffilitus was rampant in last game. Always a possibility that Sark guesses wrong on the offensive game plan and offense goes cold for stretches.
  4. This team is better than last year's. That is about as far as I'm willing to go. SO as far ss 2005 goes, there were about 4 or 5 teams from that season that were national championship calibre from the first game on..just a lot of depth, quality and experience. So far this year no team is coming out of the gate like that.
  5. FSU keeps winning like this they will be out if the top 25 in no time.
  6. He herped his way down the field and derped into our hearts
  7. Ok Buffs. Don't do anything stupid here at the end of the half. Just get into the locker room and regroup
  8. Bearcats would be in this if they just kicked some field goals and stopped shooting themselves in the dick.
  9. There is a lot of it. Most of it old or bad.
  10. This is a trick question. The answer is always OU sucks.
  11. At least he went out on top. Next stop...Gambling Hall of Fame If only there was a hospital for the treatment of the insane gambler.
  12. Mascot should be the Nurse Sharks. Harmless docile bottom feeders not dangerous to humans or bears.
  13. I hear aggy might be looking for a new coach soon...just saying.
  14. The 2010 team stunk worse than trout left in a playmate cooler in the trunk of a 2004 Dodge Neon for two weeks . Nobody should be sniffing the 2010 team if they know what's good for them .
  15. Odd scene, but Quinn made a motion like he was going to take off his helmet. I could see a good ref warning him not to do it or trying to preempt an over the top celebration that might also draw a penalty. Plenty to bitch about ref wise in this game without taking a deep dive on this play where essentially nothing happened.
  16. Looks like it's time to revitalize the "awesome jugs machine " thread.
  17. ...tied with that 1914 unclaimed national title team no doubt. Texas got jobbed by the Yale centric system and all of the Pudge Hefelfinger hype.
  18. I thought it was bit, so I just played along.
  19. All I know is USF defense > Texas defense.
  20. Does this thread get locked permanently at kickoff tonight? Feels like we need to move on and are beating a dead elephant.
  21. This is Surly. There will be a Jonestown vibe if we don't cover with style.
  22. This has been a long week. It has felt like three weeks. Like the rest of the SEC, I too am now tired of Bama talk. Not as bad as waiting for 2006 Rose Bowl though. The last 2 days before that game felt like 6 months. My in laws being in town may have also factored in.
  23. Seems like an ok idea to me. Try the new guy out against a crap opponent to motivate former starter, get some depth snaps, and not throw the backup to the wolves in conference play. Classic Saban. I see little downside since I am a Texas fan.
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